The purchaser was, on Mr Gauci's evidence, a Libyan.

17:02:33 (commandant) – Je me demande s’ils vont avoir les minima pour décoller. La chaleur dégagée par l'incendie est telle que le brouillard initialement présent sur la zone disparaît dans un rayon d'un kilomètre autour du sinistre. On 5 December 1988 (16 days prior to the attack), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a security bulletin saying that, on that day, a man with an Arabic accent had telephoned the US Embassy in Helsinki, Finland and told them that a Pan Am flight from Frankfurt to the United States would be blown up within the next two weeks by someone associated with the Abu Nidal Organization; he said a Finnish woman would carry the bomb on board as an unwitting courier. Felicity Barringer of The New York Times said that the letter had "general language that lacked any expression of remorse" for the people killed in the bombing.

Selon Yves Bonnet, ancien directeur de la DST (contre-espionnage français), cet attentat aurait été commis sous l'inspiration et le financement de l'Iran pour discréditer Kadhafi[14]. [53] Gauci was shown the same magazine during his testimony at al-Megrahi's trial and asked if he had identified the photograph in April 1999 as being the person who purchased the clothing; he was then asked if that person was in the court. 'To hide it, he (Khadafy) did everything in his power to get al-Megrahi back from Scotland,' Abdel-Jalil was quoted as saying."[132]. The wreckage of the crash was scattered over 2,000 square kilometres and AAIB investigators were confronted by a massive jigsaw puzzle in trying to piece the plane back together. UN sanctions against Libya and protracted negotiations with Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi secured the handover of the accused on 5 April 1999 to Scottish police at Camp Zeist, Netherlands, which was selected as a neutral venue for their trial. Scottish police had also failed to inform the defence that another witness had testified seeing Libyan men making a similar purchase on a different day. Le Boeing de la KLM entame alors soudainement son décollage, alors que le Boeing de la Pan Am est toujours en train de remonter la piste, et va percuter celui-ci sur son travers à près de 300 km/h, malgré une tentative de décollage anticipé de dernière seconde du pilote de la KLM dès que celui-ci aperçoit l'avion de la Pan Am.

The inquest heard that a flight attendant was found alive by a farmer's wife, but died before her discoverer could summon help. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 15 juin 2020 à 21:43. Libya said it had to accept responsibility due to Megrahi's status as a government employee.[4]. Other theories implicate Libya and Abu Nidal, and apartheid South Africa. [125] On 14 August 2008, a US-Libya compensation deal was signed in Tripoli by US Assistant Secretary of State David Welch and Libya's Foreign Ministry head of America affairs, Ahmed al-Fatroui. L'autre inculpé, Lamen Khalifa Fhimah, est acquitté et rentre le jour suivant en Libye. [50], The initial investigation into the crash site by Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary involved many helicopter surveys, satellite imaging, and a search of the area by police and soldiers. Le 27 mars 1977, deux Boeing 747 entrent en collision à Tenerife, sur l'aéroport de Los Rodeos, dans l'île de Tenerife aux Canaries, entraînant la mort de 583 personnes.