Like, their Reddit sweatshirts and T-shirts? US Politics. they are not country-restricted), and there is no way to track where each user comes from. And we’ve long had this debate on Reddit and internally, weighing the trade-offs between speech and safety. So when one looks into a mirror, the first thing they do is they see themselves. Constitution & Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Some subreddits are more alike to one another than others, based on shared subreddits. And when he made that announcement, he said that part of the reason that he did that was so that he’d have an answer when his daughter asked, “What did you do?” I don’t think you have kids, but when you’re making decisions like these, how much are you thinking about how future generations will look back on Reddit? The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Single issue posters or commenters will be looked at skeptically and likely removed. Subreddit Rules & Guidelines. Do not use URL shorteners. However, the finale of the election that culminated with Republican candidate Donald J. Trump winning the majority of the Electoral College and hence becoming the 45th President of the United States was an outcome which at the time I had thought impossible, if solely due to the aforementioned eccentric series of events that had circulated around Trump for a majority of his candidacy. And so we are simply doing what he asked by enforcing our own terms of service. And then any time we make a rule change, we evaluate communities against the rule change. Do you think that analogy still holds? View All Previous AMAs. + monthly Engagements on political content: Discussion is paramount to the Reddit experience, so it should come as no surprise to find political discourse has picked up, with an. These graphs do not display as well the actual change in popularity of subreddits, but they allow for a more refined analysis between subreddits to be observed. Mirrors aren’t one way, in that sense. Steve Huffman, Reddit’s co-founder and chief executive since 2015, when he returned to the company after six years away, has faced pressure to reckon with the site’s legacy of bigotry. In a call this week, you said something about how you were struggling to balance your values as an American with your values around human decency. Apart from utilizing an actual sentiment parser, these may be a quick and dirty way to see the emotional state of each subreddit as time went on during the election. Moreover, people from all over the world can post in any subreddit (i.e. From this, a list of the top 300 or so politically-relevant words was extracted.