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), the other spawned a franchise (Poltergeist). Tangina then leads the Freelings through the unknown, both calming their fears and eventually finding a portal that may be the key to retrieving their daughter.Poltergeist works as both a horror and a thriller. Aktorka dowiedziała się o tym dopiero po nakręceniu sceny.

Written by Sure, the scene where a scientist literally pulls his face off or when the bedroom is opened and we see items flying at random as if in a ghostly tornado, might be better served with CGI if made today, the effects still keep the story progressing with a sense of credibility. Title: Projekt miał zostać zrealizowany w zastępstwie trzeciego sequela – zatytułowanego Poltergeist IV: Kayeri, do którego scenariusz napisał Clint Morris i którego reżyserii ostatecznie się nie podjęto[2]. SEE DETAILS. Carol Anne is staying with her aunt in a high-rise building, where the supernatural forces haunting her make their return. A family's home is haunted by a host of demonic ghosts.