"I thank you with all my heart and ask you to continue praying for me.". On Oct. 27, Pope Francis tweeted, “Dear Followers I understand there are now over 10 million of you! The figure is significant not only in itself, but in what it represents for the Holy Father, himself, who, like his predecessor, desires to be a Christian witness among many on the “Digital Continent”, especially through social media. A CNA Explainer, Blessed Carlo Acutis’ doctors recall his last days in hospital, Poll: Young adults more likely than older Catholics to accept all of Church teaching, Her abuse story was posted to her parish Facebook - and then taken down. At Catholic News Agency, our team is committed to reporting the truth with courage, integrity, and fidelity to our faith. Pope Francis has passed 10 million followers across nine different language accounts on the popular social media network Twitter, where users publish messages of 140 characters or fewer. The English-language account comes in second, with 3.1 million followers. The report found that Pope Francis’ Spanish-language tweets were re-tweeted an average of 11,116 times. <noframe>Twitter: Pope Francis - Dear Followers I understand there are now over 10 million of you! Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang steps off bench to spark Arsenal's four-minute turnaround. Pope Francis’ Twitter account – @pontifex – has reached a milestone: 40 million followers in 9 languages. Pope Francis’s @Pontifex Twitter accounts have reached more than 40 million followers. His closest competitor by this measure was U.S. President Barack Obama, whose tweets were re-tweeted on average 2,309 times. The Vatican has long been interested in using the latest technologies to keep in touch with the world's 1.2 billion Catholics and spread the faith, with radio inventor Guglielmo Marconi setting up Vatican Radio in 1931. the pontiff wrote on his nine accounts, which publish simultaneously in languages including Latin, Polish, and Arabic. But he still has a lot of Tweeting to do before he can catch up with the three most followed people on Twitter: pop stars Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, who have more than 40 million followers each. His tweets include prayers and short passages from his homilies. "Dear Followers I understand there are now over 10 million of you!" Fish and chip entrepreneur sues Saudi royals in row over unpaid debts, Long Covid warning as health secretary says one in 10 under-50s are at risk, National League bailout questioned as clubs poised to receive similar shares despite differing attendance averages. The Pope is also the second most-followed world leader on Twitter, after President Obama, who has 39 million followers. We provide news about the Church and the world, as seen through the teachings of the Catholic Church. A jubilant Pope Francis celebrated reaching 10 million followers on messaging site Twitter on Sunday, a milestone in the Vatican's drive to spread the gospel through social media. Papal Twitter accounts have also been established in Arabic, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese and most recently, Polish. His English-language tweets were re-tweeted by an average of 8,219 followers. I thank you with all my heart and ask you to continue praying for me.”. Geneva: Pope Francis has by far the most clout of any world leader on Twitter because he is so widely retweeted, a study of political use of the social network showed on Wednesday. Of the 9 accounts in languages such as French and German, his Spanish language account is the most popular – with just over 9 million followers – while the English account comes in second with around 6.5 million followers. Social Media, Pope Francis, Twitter. Claire Diaz Ortiz, Manager of Social Innovation at Twitter, told CNA in January that the Pope’s ability to connect with his flock on Twitter “is an inspiring fact for believers everywhere.”, She described the multiple language accounts as “wonderful examples of how one leader can connect in many different languages with Twitter followers throughout the world.”, Tags: Pope Francis' @Pontifex Twitter accounts reached more than 40 million followers just a few months before the fifth anniversary of when Pope Benedict XVI launched the initiative. When you subscribe to the CNA UPDATE, we'll send you a daily email with links to the news you need. VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis surpassed 22 million Twitter followers Wednesday, July 15, on his multiple accounts, joining the ranks of tech-savvy entertainers and … – Rappler.com. The most popular account is the Spanish-language one, with more than 4 million followers. Strictly Come Dancing 2020: when does it start, and how will this year's show work? Francis is also well behind American entertainer Katy Perry, who has the world's most Twitter followers, with about 72.5 million. Vatican City, Oct 29, 2013 / 03:36 pm MT ().- VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis surpassed 22 million Twitter followers Wednesday, July 15, on his multiple accounts, joining the ranks of tech-savvy entertainers and world leaders who command tens of millions of eyeballs on social media. In July, Pope Francis was named “the most influential world leader on Twitter” according to a global communications report by Switzerland-based public relation and communications firm Burson-Marsteller. Bio Welcome to the official Twitter page of His Holiness Pope Francis Lokasyon Vatican City Tweets 2,6K Followers 18,7M Following 8 Account created 23-02-2012 11:38:07 ID 500704345. Despite the uptick in followers, the pope still has a long way to go to catch up with other world leaders like US President Barack Obama, who has over 60 million followers. Free Instagram Followers A jubilant Pope Francis celebrated reaching 10 million followers on messaging site Twitter on Sunday, a milestone in the Vatican's drive to spread the gospel through social media. Pope Francis. Pope Francis celebrates reaching 10 million Twitter followers with a tweet.