Although he obtained numerous privileges for his see and Honorius always spoke encouragingly to him, Honorius avoided having to make a decision that might alienate the powerful archbishops of Canterbury.

[54], Nevertheless, Honorius was not prepared to completely alienate Diego, and when the Archbishop of Braga nominated a successor to the vacant See of Coimbra, Honorius reprimanded the archbishop for usurping the rights of Diego, who should have been the one to nominate a successor. [9], Rome descended into factional infighting, while Cardinal Aymeric and Leo Frangipani attempted to win over the resistance of Urban, the City Prefect, and the Pierleoni family with bribes and extravagant promises. His successor, Pope Paschal II, made Lamberto a Canon of the Lateran[4] before elevating him to the position of cardinal bishop of Ostia in 1117. Après cinq ans et deux mois de pontificat, il sera inhumé dans la basilique Saint-Jean du Latran. Made cardinal bishop of Ostia (1117) by Pope Paschal II, he became Pope Calixtus II’s emissary to Germany. [39] Although this incurred the wrath of Bernard of Clairvaux, who wrote to Honorius expressing his disgust,[39] Honorius pressured Stephen of Senlis to become reconciled with King Louis in 1130. They refused, and Honorius asked Roger II of Sicily to punish the city in May 1130, but Honorius died before action was taken. [14] At Lothair's request,[6] Cardinal Gherardo and two bishops then sent word to Rome to obtain Honorius's confirmation of the election, which he granted. His pontificate achieved reform within the church and peace between the Holy See and world rulers. After the death of Pope Nicholas II (1059–1061) in July 1061, two different groups met to elect a new pope. [6] Unfortunately, Honorius had just returned to Rome when he was informed that the nobles of Benevento had overthrown and killed the rector (or papal governor) of the city and established a Commune. At the same time, he found himself drawn into the continued chaos of local Roman politics,[68] as the Frangipani enjoyed their influence at the papal court, while the Pierleoni family continually fought against them and against Honorius. [6] Cardinal Aymeric and the Frangipani family began planning their next moves, and Honorius was taken to the San Gregorio Magno al Celio monastery, which was located in the territory controlled by the Frangipani. [18] In 1125, papal force brought to heel the lords of Ceccano. [4] Since Celestine had not been formally consecrated pope, the wounded candidate declared himself willing to resign, but the Pierleoni family and their supporters refused to accept Lamberto,[6] who in the confusion had been proclaimed Pope under the name Honorius II. [25] Honorius also insisted that the monks take an oath of fidelity to the papacy, but they strenuously objected. Honorius II failed to prevent Roger II of Sicily from extending his power in southern Italy and was unable to stop Louis VI of France from interfering in the affairs of the French church. [8], On 16 December, all the Cardinals, including Lamberto, assembled in the chapel of the monastery of St. Pancratius attached to the south of the Lateran basilica.
Honorius had a long-standing dislike of Oderisio going back to the time when Honorius was cardinal-bishop of Ostia. [22] When Atenulf, count of Aquino, brought accusations that Oderisio was aiming for the papacy, Honorius summoned Oderisio to Rome to answer the charges. Honorius (II), original name Peter Cadelo, Latin Cadalus, (born 1009/10, Verona ?, March of Verona and Aquileia [Italy]—died 1072, Parma?, Lombardy), antipope from 1061 to 1064. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

He ensured amicable relations with Lothar by excommunicating Lothar’s rival, Conrad of Hohenstaufen (later the German king Conrad III). Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Called the Knights Templar, they were to protect Christian pilgrims entering the Holy Land and to defend the conquests of the Crusades. [66], Nevertheless, Cardinal Aymeric's plans had not yet reached fruition when Honorius died on the evening of 13 February 1130. Honorius in the meantime entered into an alliance with the new Prince of Capua, Robert II. Pope Honorius II (9 February 1060 – 13 February 1130), born Lamberto Scannabecchi,[2] was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 21 December 1124 to his death in 1130. [66] The next day, and contrary to the usual customs, Honorius was quickly buried without any pomp or ceremony in the monastery, as the hand-picked cardinals got around to electing Gregorio Papareschi, who took the name Pope Innocent II. However, by the pontificate of Honorius II, they had not yet received any official sanction from the papacy. [24] In the meantime, open warfare was being waged between the supporters of Oderisio and Niccolo. [6], In 1127, Honorius confirmed the acts of the Synod of Nantes, presided over by Archbishop Hildebert of Lavardin, which eradicated certain local abuses in Brittany. [42], Honorius was also called to intervene in the affairs of Normandy, as Fulk of Anjou and King Henry I of England battled for domination. [6] Conrad found little help in Italy and with Honorius's support, Lothair was able to keep his throne. [45] Honorius wrote to the clergy and nobles of England, directing them to treat his legate as if he were Honorius himself. Alexander II had been one of the leaders of the reform party in his role as Anselm the Elder, Bishop of Lucca. Honorius's pontificate was concerned with ensuring that the privileges the Roman Catholic Church had obtained through the Concordat of Worms were preserved and, if possible, extended. [30] In 1125, accompanied by an armed following, Pons took possession of Cluny Abbey, melted down the treasures stored in the monastery, and paid his followers, who continued to terrorise the monks and the villages dependent upon the abbey. Henry died childless and had nominated his nephew Frederick Hohenstaufen, Duke of Swabia, to succeed him as King of the Romans and Holy Roman Emperor. There, he formally invested Roger with the duchy of Apulia and both agreed to a peace between the Kingdom of Sicily and the Papal States. Ayant fait la démonstration de son opposition au droit de l'Empereur à choisir les évêques de son empire (voir la querelle des Investitures), Lamberto devenait un choix naturel pour être envoyé comme légat auprès d'Henri V (empereur germanique) en 1119 avec l'autorité pour obtenir un accord sur le droit d'investiture.