I'm looking for something like dystopian future / apocalyptic movie. She's been a legal assistant extraordinaire, an espresso sharing fiend, and studied personality types/communication strategies that helped the corporate world have a little more heart. So here are 11 films like Parasite to screen after your third, fourth, fifth Parasite viewing. And even though there is a clear class divide between the people in the front and back of the train, all of them are still stuck on the train in the harsh apocalyptic conditions of their world. 4 Similar: Rumors, Gossip, and Lies 1. Parasite centers on the Kim and Park families and their different ways of life given their place in the class structure. The reason why I said about this that a lot of people misinterpreted the difference. A movie that’s not a Christopher Nolan movie but is like a Christopher Nolan movie This may be to specific of a request but recently finished watching almost all of the Cristopher Nolan movies and I was blown away so I was just wondering if anyone had some type of movie or director that’s similar to his style of film making thanks in advance! An English and Criminal Justice major from Indiana University she's excited to continue her writing journey! Wells and Arthur C. Clarke made it a popular style. Class hierarchy is a common theme throughout a lot of Bong Joon-ho's work. Parasite chooses to focus on a small cast of characters, mainly the Park and Kim families, while Snowpiercer is a large cast of the last survivors on Earth. But there's a big old european festival, and some early 20's kids, and that's enough to get the stew going. The 24 Best Face Masks For Outdoor Workouts, Michael K. Williams on HBO's 'Lovecraft Country', This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. The main focus of both Parasite (2019) and Snowpiercer (2013) is the dangers of class warfare between the elite and privileged highest class and the stunted and unjustifiably poor lowest class. Although the themes are similar in these films, the cast of characters gives the movies subtly different feelings. Well, deranged is director Ari Aster's specialty. Both Parasite and Snowpiercer have a great deal of violence in both movies between the upper classes and lower classes. If you're just now getting into contemporary South Korean cinema, we recommend you start here. Believe us, we paid more than a little more to see it here in NYC. But for all I know you are looking for movies that take place on a train and then i'm just gonna sound dumb... Wow thank you. Joshua St Clair is an editorial assistant at Men's Health Magazine. Although a very good and entertaining movie, it is depressing and difficult to watch at times. If class conflict and violent upward social progression is your jam, then Snowpiercer is your train. Parasite has limited locations, but the audience sees around the city and specifically the Kim and Park family living conditions as both of their houses and neighborhoods are shown throughout the movie. Imposters. The Island was such a disappointment, the first 20 minutes were pure gold but when the main characters jumped to the outside world, the movie transformed into a normal action film with the same cliches. In the mood for a particular movie? This is another one that really could've (and possibly should've) been a contender for Best Actress this year—it's a true star-making turn for Florence Pugh, and Jack Reynor is a highlight as well as her aloof boyfriend. The entirety of Snowpiercer takes place on a constantly moving train that has to go fast enough to beat the apocalyptic freezing conditions. RELATED: The D&D Alignments of Parasite Characters. In Snowpiercer the audience certainly has suspicions about the train and what the back of the train is told by the leaders, but the extent of the lies are slowly revealed throughout the film to a startling effect. Based on the novel by Don DeLillo, Cosmopolis takes on the sort of decadence and decay that looms over Parasite for much of the film. Although the themes are similar in these films, the cast of characters gives the movies subtly different feelings. So, we have brought the list of top 5 apocalyptic movies to watch as current scenes are similar to post-apocalypse. Snowpiercer received good reviews upon its release, but there has been major buzz surrounding Parasite, even talks of a TV series being created. Already watched this year's most internationally-recognized film? Midsommar is his follow-up to Hereditary, and it's darkness-combined-with-dark comedy lasts from very start to very finish. Lupita N'yongo deserved the Oscar this year, 11 Watches You Should Know by Name—and Why, 11 Shows and Movies to Watch After 'Hunters', These Full-Length, Non-Pornographic Movies Are Somehow Available to Watch on Pornhub, 20 Best Sports Movies Streaming on Netflix. Although the class differences are apparent in both movies this is not shown visually through color in Snowpiercer. RELATED: Snowpiercer: 5 Reasons the TV Show Will Be Better (& 5 the Movie Will Be Better). A one-stop shop for all things video games. NEXT: 10 Bong Joon-ho Movies to Watch After Parasite. Press J to jump to the feed. It’s all about people who aren’t who they say they are, but in the most extreme and unbelievably true way possible. Kristen Palamara is a reader, writer, and avid film/tv watcher from the Midwest United States. There's also an elaborate setup and its success relies on gossip and rumor to get an employee of the Park's fired. So get on it! Parasite's victories were worth much celebratory drinking. Did you like how deranged Parasite got toward the back end? In both movies they have to fight through a place level by level similar to fighting through the train cars in Snowpiercer. Have a favourite movie you want to recommend? Parasite is more of a family vs family type of film while Snowpiercer sees a large group of apocalypse survivors fight between themselves. In 2013 he directed Snowpiercer, based on a graphic novel, about an apocalyptic future world covered with ice and a group of survivors living on a train moving fast enough so they won't freeze. Parasite is more of a family vs family type of film while Snowpiercer sees a large group of apocalypse survivors fight between themselves. Saw something interesting and want more? Unlike Parasite, the killing doesn't wait until the end. Whereas, post-apocalyptic movies shows the aftermath of the apocalypse/ wreak havoc. [City of Ember (2008)] (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0970411/) is also about an encapsulated post-apocalyptic society, done a bit better than Snowpiercer. Snowpiercer is a fierce social commentary that gains momentum as it moves further along the train in a steam-punk style post-apocalyptic parable. We may earn a commission through links on our site. Even if you've already exceeded your trial period, $5.99 for one month is still way less than a Parasite movie ticket. On the other end, Parasite has some pretty hilarious moments throughout its run time without ever sacrificing the weight and drama of the movie's overall plot. Academy Award-winning director, Bong Joon-ho, is most famous for his movie Parasite. 10 Magical Movies & TV Shows About Mermaids, Parasite Vs Snowpiercer: 5 Similarities That Make Them Bong Joon-ho Films (& 5 Ways They're Completely Different), Parasite: 7 Reasons Why It's Bong Joon-ho's Best Movie (& 7 Reasons Why It's Not), 10 Most Shockingly Violent Movies Ever Made, The D&D Alignments of Parasite Characters, Snowpiercer: 5 Reasons the TV Show Will Be Better (& 5 the Movie Will Be Better), 10 Bong Joon-ho Movies to Watch After Parasite, 15 Mistakes People Still Make About Disney Characters, 5 Horror Movies That Will Always Be Classics (& 5 That Aren't Scary Anymore), Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood's 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst), Harry Potter: Ginny Weasley's 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst), Harry Potter: The Best Deleted Scene From Every Movie, 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched Crimes Of Grindelwald Extended Cut, Harry Potter: 5 Things That Looked Like You Imagined They Would ( & 5 That Didn't), DCEU: 5 Fights That Lived Up To Fans' Expectations (& 5 That Let Them Down), 10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Love Halloween (1978), Star Wars: The Saga's 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Uses Of The Force, The Little Mermaid: 5 Things That Didn't Age Well (& 5 That Are Timeless), Classic Halloween Movies, Ranked From Iconic To Downright Silly, Love And Monsters: 10 Great Quotes From The Movie, Isolation: 15 Of The Scariest Movies Set Mostly In A Single Location, Kelly Preston's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes, Harry Potter: 5 Best Hermione Granger Plans (& 5 The Worst).