When a childless couple of an ex-con and an ex-cop decide to help themselves to one of another family's quintuplets, their lives become more complicated than they anticipated. Intelligent, raw, funny, daring and unique, pure cinematic delight from start to end.”, Though many of the Coens’ films can be labeled cult classics, perhaps none embody the term more than The Big Lebowski. Love Paul Newman in it. No Country is impeccable: the cinematography is breathtaking, the dialogue efficient, and the direction assured. Hi...you're young and you got you're health...what you want with a job. Writing for The New Yorker, Pauline Kael wrote that "Raising Arizona is no big deal, but it has a rambunctious charm". Since they can't adopt, due to H.I's extensive record, their marriage is going nowhere. 8-Burn After Reading It's all over the map. !, You take that diaper off your head and put it back on your sister! Directed by Joel Coen, Ethan Coen. According to Kevin N. Laforest of the Montreal Film Journal, “This is truly a brilliant film, the kind you don’t see often. Fargo details a ransom kidnap scheme gone wrong, with very pregnant cop McDormand investigating the crime as the bumbling perpetrators attempt to cover their tracks. View All Videos (1) Raising Arizona Quotes. All rights reserved. Hot Mic Hypocrite – Jim Jeffries Finally Got Caught! a boring mess and the music, which aimed for authenticity (I hate that word) didn’t come close to what it was trying to emulate. Albert Finney and Gabriel Byrne star as Irish mobsters, threatened externally by the Italian mob and internally by their shared love of a woman (Marcia Gay Harden). vowing to stop robbing convenience stores. If you can't have kids, you just gotta keep tryin'and hope medical science catches up with you, like Florence and me. Check back soon when the reviews are out! "Raising Arizona" needs the same kind of restraint. Whoever said the soundtrack was good, didn’t work for the company that tried to sell it. Posted by asdf asd on July 27, 2018 July 27, 2018. The Lady Killers really isn’t that bad… Even if it is lesser Coens. Not all of the Coens’ films have been critical darlings (alas, poor Ladykillers), but with lifetime Tomatometers above 80 percent, the brothers are easily two (or is that one?) Not all critics were willing to join The Dude’s steadily growing cult — Todd McCarthy of Variety sniffed that the movie “Adds up to considerably less than the sum of its often scintillating parts” — but in the end, as Chuck O’Leary of FulvueDrive-in.com wrote, “It’s pretty much impossible not to love The Dude.”, With O Brother, Where Art Thou?, the Coen brothers took their thriller tropes (ill-fated criminal plans, ironic stereotypes, and a detached tone) and magically applied it towards an Odyssey-inspired farce. 4-Raising Arizona They don’t do comedies that well – more miss than hit. Chance and destiny are invoked in the most resonant, least pretentious way in the sinister form of Anton Chigurh (Best Supporting Actor Javier Bardem), the hit man who coldly and relentlessly hunts Brolin’s Llewelyn. For more than two and a half decades now, Joel and Ethan Coen have been thrilling critics — and, here and there, audiences — with their distinctive blend of dark humor, colorful violence, and singular visual flair. Though not their biggest hit, it’s infinitely quotable (“Edwina’s insides were a rocky place where my seed could find no purchase”), and the original score by Carter Burwell is not to be ignored. cash you got. Steven Crowder’s Full Anti-Oscars Livestream, Devon Stack of ‘Blackpilled’ Discusses Propaganda in Movies, TV, and Commercials, Writing Europeans Out of Their Own History, Andrew Klavan on Conservatives’ Losing Strategy in the Culture War, RamzPaul Breaks Down Why Movie Critics Lie. Best Horror Movies of 2020, Ranked – New Scary Movies to Watch, Best Hulu Shows to Binge-Watch Now (October 2020), The Best Shows on Amazon Prime to Watch Right Now (October 2020), The Best Movies of 2020 (So Far) – Best New Films of the Year. Of course, it didn’t hurt that Bridges (in vintage late-period marble-mouthed form) was surrounded by an ace supporting cast that included Matt Damon and Hailee Steinfeld, or that the Coens went back to Charles Portis’ original novel for inspiration; in the end, the result was a career-launching hit for Steinfeld, a mainstream hit for the Coens, and another critically acclaimed outing for Bridges — all of whom earned Oscar nominations for their work. With their first film, the Coens showed an aptitude for the stylistic quirks that would become their trademark — namely, a love of the ghoulish balanced with a loopy sense of humor. (^_^)-b. You’ve been successfully subscribed to our newsletter! I'll be taking these Huggies and whatever When I hear about the Oscars being racist……I think of all the times The Coen Brothers and Tarantino movies aren’t nominated. Almost every single movie has been great and that goes for Tarantino too. “With no particular place to go, this hobo of a movie is free to roam the damnedest places.”, Though the Coens have long been revered for their intermittently manic and macabre storylines, they’ve never made Oscar bait. of the most respected directors in the business. Raising Arizona. Thank you! It’s perhaps logical, then, that the massive Academy sweep they enjoyed with No Country for Old Men seemed like overdue praise. Raising Arizona Synopsis. The mercury rises further when Barton’s gregarious neighbor (John Goodman) is around; almost hellishly so, you might say. So what I’m saying is……we should boycott The Oscars when these guys aren’t nominated for best picture/director/screenplay etc. My 10 Favorite Coen Brothers Movies are When illness strikes two people who are polar opposites, life and death bring them together in surprising ways. The other is warm, bleak, takes place down south, and involves a dedicated cop. Skip Rotten Tomatoes, they’re biased SJWs too afraid to criticize things like the Ghost Busters reboot. Yes, you’d be very wrong, because that was made by the Wachowski brothers. Well, look. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2018 Fandango. I told them that it is too good for a soundtrack. George Clooney’s acting is a bit over the top in “bro”. Skip Rotten Tomatoes, they’re biased SJWs too afraid to criticize things like the Ghost Busters reboot. Describing it as “gnomic, claustrophobic, hallucinatory, just plain weird,” Time’s Richard Schickel lauded Barton Fink as “the kind of movie critics can soak up thousands of words analyzing and cinephiles can soak up at least three espressos arguing their way through.”, Prior to No Country For Old Men, the macabre, pitch-black comedy Fargo was the Coens’ most decorated film, with seven Oscar nominations and two wins: Best Actress (Frances McDormand) and Best Original Screenplay. Along with his bowling buddies, The Dude embarks on a wild chase that’s as funny, depraved, and plain unpredictable as Los Angeles always feels like it should be. "Raising Arizona" is the new work by the Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan, whose previous film was the superb thriller "Blood Simple." Not everything is an instant classic, and I wish some critic would take a stand, but like I said, the emperor has no clothes. You want I should freeze or get down on the ground? Copyright © Fandango. Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter are brilliantly cast as a cop and ex-con husband/wife duo who resolve their infertility with kidnapping. 1-The Big Lebowski Get over it. Raising Arizona Photos. 10-Barton Fink. Reilly!! Combustible Celluloid’s Jeffrey M. Anderson concluded, “it’s one of their best, most cohesive films and it holds up to repeated viewings.”, Legend has it the Coens had such a bad case of writers’ block while writing Miller’s Crossing that they took three weeks off to script Barton Fink, a 1930s-set black comedy about — what else? I agree that their peak is No Country for Old Men. If you try, you cannot find a single thing wrong with that film. Not rated yet! Quotes will be submitted for approval by the RT staff. I didn’t hear any complaints back then that Notorious wasn’t nominated. Rated PG-13 | For Not Rec. Creed was far better than decent. INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS is the “Emperor’s New Clothes.” Other than the terrific acting from a stellar cast, especially Oscar Isaac, this is one of the worst Coen Brother’s film ever made; right down there with “The Man Who Wasn’t There.” They have made classics that will stand the test of time but LLEWYN isn’t one of them. “It may be the Coen Brothers playing well inside their comfort zone,” wrote Scott Mendelson for Forbes, “but what a fine and thoughtful comfort zone it is.”, Free Movies Online: 200 Fresh Movies to Watch Online For Free, 100 Best Movies on Hulu to Watch Right Now (October 2020), Fargo Season 4 First Reviews: ‘Average’ Fargo Is Still Better Than Most TV, Critics Say, Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances, All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Marvel Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, David Huddleston, not Charles Durning played Jeffrey Lebowsky.