The plot follows different groups of Texas teenagers during the last day of school in 1976. Tony’s a Nice Guy, but not Fake Emo Nice Guy. Skip to: Start of Article. The iconic Wooderson was the slightly creepy older guy who hadn't quite moved on from high school. We all felt Kevin's pain when his party of the year was busted by his parents. Carl’s clearly a survivor (which is cool), but he also seems like kind of a weasel (not super-cool). Moderately uncool. Most recently in 2008, he costarred with Olivia Wilde in Fix. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Look no further than Mrs. Kramer, who gives Mitch a one-time get-out-jail-free card when he comes home way past curfew. The decade-defining movie is set in 1976, and it follows a group of kids in Texas on their last day of high school. You can’t blame the party foul-up on Pickford. ... Michelle is the girlfriend of the high school's drug dealer, Pickford. London has also tried his hand at producing with the movie The Putt Putt Syndrome. And she and Tony will likely spend the whole summer being The Good-Egg Couple That Gets Invited Everywhere and Inspires Sweeeeeet Emotions All Around. On the one hand, this is useful information to disseminate, so maybe he was just trying to be cool. Reporting on what you care about. Matthew has gone on to have a huge career, but he clearly still holds a special place for Wooderson: In 2012 he reprised the role in the music video for “Synthesizers” by Butch Walker and the Black Widows. Here's what the cast has been up to in the two-and-a-half decades since the cult classic hit screens. Skip To: Start of Article. And even hotter jacket. (And the fact that you even think it’s a game worries us.). "He wasn’t really getting along with everybody. What? Even if you’re the kind of person who (rightfully) detests the abuse of the word “literally,” it should be said: There is literally nothing uncool about Julie, who helps coordinate the revenge attack on O’Bannion, and later makes out with Mitch at dawn. Goldberg appeared in other 1990s hits like Higher Learning and Saving Private Ryan and he most recently appeared in the first season of the TV show Fargo, and he's also worked as a photographer, musician, and filmmaker. Wait, no, cooler jacket. Cool shirt, Mr. Pickford. Plus, she’s got plans to see Aerosmith with Wooderson, which is about as cool of an outing as you can get. Most of Milla's dialogue was cut from the film, greatly reducing her role (and despite her small part, she still appeared on the movie poster and on a lot of the promotional material). As cool educators go, he’s no Ms. Stroud (see below). Much of Jenson’s most recognised work, including Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1992), arrived before his role of Don Dawson… In the movie, Goldberg plays Mike Newhouse, who decides to stand up against school bully Clint Bruno. But to be so out-of-the-loop as to not know the party was dead? Seriously, just anoint these two King and Queen of the Super-Cool Smoochers. After a stint of roles in rom-coms like The Wedding Planner and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, the Texan actor moved on to dramatic roles in Mud and Dallas Buyers Club, which netted him a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award in 2014. He's starred in TV shows like NCIS and Grey's Anatomy. Could he have taken additional steps to ensure the kegs didn’t show up too early? We were on a pull trailer beyond the cameras, and I’ll be damned if Rory Cochrane didn’t pull out a real fatty and say, 'Fuck it, man, it’s the last scene of the movie!'". Darla may get some of the best lines in the movie—”AIR RAID!”, etc.—and the fact that she’s played by Parker Posey automatically places in her in the second half of our list. The fact that they were even invited means, sure, they’re kinda cool. In Dazed and Confused, Affleck played Fred O'Bannion, a senior who eagerly hazed the freshman students. Sabrina’s a few years younger than pretty much all of her newfound peers and pals, but she never once seems flustered or overwhelmed by them—she is cool, whereas they are simply the gang. Check you later! You don’t think Slater is cool? Obsessed with travel? And if you don’t believe us, you should ask…. Hey guys, one more thing: This summer, when you’re being inundated by all the American bicentennial Fourth of July brouhaha, don’t forget what you’re celebrating, and that’s the fact that a bunch of slave-owning aristocratic white males didn’t want to pay their taxes.” Stay woke and cool, Ms. Stroud! She starred in the original film in 2002, and reprised her role as Alice, a former security operative, in all five sequels. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Andrews' Kevin Pickford was supposed to throw the end of school keg party, but his plans were ruined when his parents found out. Jovovich played Michelle Burroughs, the girlfriend of Kevin Pickford (played by Shawn Andrews). Cynthia was the slightly nerdish redhead who caught the attention of Wooderson. The intellectual and awkward Tony gave everyone the most horrible mental image when he said it was his dream of getting it on with "this perfect female body...but with the head of Abraham Lincoln.". Hirschfelder, you stud! She played cheerleading squad captain Darla Marks, who was all too eager to haze the freshmen. She was supposed to have a larger role in the film, but director Richard Linklater told Mashable, "It was this small part that I thought we would grow, but it didn't really gel, and I could not deliver what I promised her.". Cool. Ad Choices. If you check this dude’s ID, it probably just says “COOL.”. Zellweger has racked up an impressive number of trophies for her acting. Michelle was the free-spirited girlfriend of Kevin Pickford. He may look a little grabby in the photo here, but any cool-friend of Pink is a cool-friend of ours. He may not be the flashiest character in Dazed, nor the most quotable, but his series of tiny teenaged victories certainly makes him the most relatable. However, his personal life has taken a hit, as the father-of-three separated from wife Jennifer Garner in 2015 and recently re-entered rehab. Grabbing your brother’s car while wearing a Kiss shirt? Between the constant lecturing and the dopey “pledge sheets” he’s trying to get everyone to sign, this dude’s in need of a serious attitude adjustment. Pickford was supposed to have a larger role. Cynthia’s probably the most open-minded, open-hearted character in the whole movie—she’s pretty much got life figured out by this point. She was supposed to have a larger role in the film, but director Richard Linklater … Secretly cool? Wise,  open-eyed, and thoroughly unflappable, he’s probably the Dazed denizen we most aspired to be like in our high-school days, whether we want to admit it or not. But even though Wooderson is, in many ways, the very embodiment of coolness—the duds, the wheels, the one-liners—he’s also kind of a sad, skeevy horndog who’s afraid to grow up. The film features a large ensemble cast of actors who would later become stars, including Jason London, Ben Affleck, Milla Jovovich, Cole Hauser, Parker Posey, Adam Goldberg, Joey Lauren Adams, Matthew McConaughey, Nicky Katt, and Rory Cochrane. We’ll never know if Mrs. Pickford was happy that her son’s nefarious party-plans were canceled, or if she just wanted to go on her big vacation and let the kids be kids. In fact, he’s so relatively relaxed and quiet, you almost wonder…is he a ghost? Ribisi's Cynthia Dunn was a nerd who decided to head to her first keg party during the movie. But her sneering attitude and power-mad delight in torturing others knocks her out of the cool club. Zellweger had a bit part in Dazed as Nesi White, and as Linklater told Mashable, "Renée doesn't have a single line, but she's everywhere." An embarrassment to the game of cool. Yet Clint’s got a very cool set of wheels, and he delivers his signature line—”I only came here to do two things man: Kick some ass and drink some beer, [and it] looks like we’re almost out of beer”—with such casual coolness that you almost forget the fact that Roddy Piper said it a few years earlier. Jason Paul London (born November 7, 1972) is an American actor, known for his roles as Mitch Kramer was the baby-faced freshman who is initiated into the cool crowd by Pink and then manages to get his revenge on the cruelest and meathead-iest senior in school, O'Bannion. Sure. Mitch! Cool? Marissa appeared in several films and TV shows throughout the ’90s, including Friends and Felicity. Over the years Jason has worked steadily, guest starring on television shows like Criminal Minds and Grey's Anatomy. Randall “Pink” Floyd was the star football player with a rebellious streak. Skip Article Header. Darla may get some of the best lines in the movie—”AIR RAID!”, etc.—and the fact that she’s played by Parker Posey automatically places in her in the second half of our list. The 2020 Movies That Are Streaming Online Early, What Happens If Trump Can't Fulfill His Duties, Dickies Work Pants Are the Brand at Its Best, The Turntable to Buy for Killer Sound and Style, This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. Posey was dubbed "Queen of the Indies" by Time in 1997 after her work in films like Party Girl and Kicking and Screaming. Wait, no. Cochrane, pictured on the left, played stoner Ron Slater. echo esc_html( wired_get_the_byline_name( $related_video ) ); ?>. Not cool, Mr. Pickford! (Love the jacket, though.). Simone was the girlfriend of Pink, who eloquently delivered the line, "Fry like bacon, you little freshman piggies!". Until then: Not cool. One of the uncoolest dudes in the entire movie, by a long yard. I get older, they stay the same age.". Yep. Julie Newmar, and he is still a working actor. But his role in getting the Pickford bash kiboshed makes him uncooler than a Shiner Bock left in the sun. It doesn’t entirely diminish his coolness, but it does knock him down a few spots. She starred in blockbusters like 2006's Superman Returns, and she currently plays June Harris in Netflix's Lost in Space. Cochrane also starred in the '90s classic Empire Records, and after roles in TV shows like CSI: Miami and 24, and movies like Public Enemies. Today she owns the clothing line Whitley Kros and has two children with her husband Beck (yup, the musician). Mitch gets hazed by the seniors, but by the end of the night he's hung out with Pink and his friend, smoked for the first time, and made out with sophomore Julie Simms. As far as paddle-mad seniors go, Benny’s second only to O’Bannion when it comes to unapologetic malice. His slow-riding, easy-taking approach is pretty cool, but the fact that we never see him catching any freshman? The actress is perhaps best known for her work in the Bridget Jones series, and she came back to the role in 2016's Bridget Jones's Baby after a six-year hiatus from acting. But while her character was the queen of mean, Christin Hinojosa, who played freshman Sabrina Davis, told Maxim, "Ben [Affleck] and Parker were among the nicest people on the set.". She has continued to work in minor roles throughout the years, appearing most recently in the indie film Blue Caprice. When O’Bannion corners Carl on the kid’s front porch, Mom comes out and points a rifle in his face with such casual, no-BS coolness, you realize she probably fends off these kind of doofuses all the time. 22). I could tell the actors weren’t responding to him," director Richard Linklater told Maxim. We doubt we could be as cool under fire. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. 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