These 16 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Saturnin. The planet Saturn, named after the god, was believed by the ancients to be made of lead. At the same time the bishop took the official Acts of Saturnin, the Passio antiqua, and rewrote them as a panegyric that took the place of the originals embellishing them with colorful details, and with pious legends linking Saturnin to the founding of the churches of Eauze, Auch, Pamplona, and Amiens. The basilica is not the cathedral, which is dedicated to Saint Stephen. lll Hier findet ihr alle Details zum Vornamen Saturnin ⭐ Bedeutung, Herkunft, Namenstag, Spitznamen, Varianten und vieles mehr! durch Anklicken von "Keine Blockade auf den Seiten dieser Website" im Menü Ihres Werbeblockers). These names tend to be more commonly used than Saturnin. Roman mythology: a god of agriculture, Saturn taught humans how to till the fields and enjoy the fruits of civilization. Der Name Saturn war in Deutschland noch nie in den Top 10 der häufigsten deutschen Namen zu finden. Name SATURNIN Between 1900 and 2018 there were 1,134 births of Saturnin in the countries below, which represents an average of 10 births of children bearing the first name Saturnin per year on average throughout this period. Mit der Utilisation dieser Dienste akzeptieren Sie die Verwendung von Cookies. Lasting a week, it was the merriest and most popular of the Roman festivals. Gibt es typische Vornamen der Oberschicht? St Fabian sent out seven bishops from Rome to Gaul to preach the Gospel: Saint Gatien to Tours, Saint Trophimus to Arles, Saint Paul to Narbonne, Saint Saturnin to Toulouse, Saint Denis to Paris, Austromoine to Clermont, and Saint Martial to Limoges. You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Saturnin on Nameberry. Bedeutung, Herkunft und Beschreibung [Text hinzufügen] Relationen Keine Relationen bekannt. Wie kann ich die Elternzeit verlängern? The lost Acts of Saturninus were employed as historical sources by the chronicler Gregory of Tours. Häufigkeit Für diesen Namen sind noch keine Häufigkeitsinformationen bekannt. Pop Culture References for the name Saturnin Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community. 22.11.1992), Fussball. Entdecken Sie die geographische Verteilung des Vornamens Saturnin in der Welt. Roman mythology: a god of agriculture, Saturn taught humans how to till the fields and enjoy the fruits of civilization.

Vorname Saturnin: Bedeutung, Herkunft, Namenstage & weitere Details, Prominente & Stars mit dem Vornamen Saturnin. [1] (Tellingly, the identical fate was ascribed to his pupil Saint Fermin whose site of martyrdom is at Pamplona.).

Saturn Name Statistics. Saturn als Jungenname ♂ Herkunft, Bedeutung & Namenstag im Überblick Alle Infos zum Namen Saturn auf entdecken! Sie müssen JavaScript in Ihrem Browser aktivieren, um Geneanet nutzen zu können. The Romans named planets after their most significant gods, and named Saturn after the god of wealth and agriculture. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Saturnin as a boys' name is of Spanish origin, and the meaning of Saturnin is "saturn". Additionally, Saturn was the father of Jupiter, and later became known as the god of time. Hier kannst du den Vornamen oder For other uses, see, "Lives of the Saints, November 29, Saint Saturninus",, Articles containing Occitan (post 1500)-language text, Articles containing Catalan-language text, Articles containing Galician-language text, Articles containing Portuguese-language text, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 September 2020, at 02:13. Saturnin: Bedeutung & Herkunft. Kinderbetreuung während der Hochzeit: Empfehlenswerte Tipps für Eltern.