What makes this metal so precious? From international markets, music and songs, the colour of devices, jewellry, cars, this bright yellow-orange metal is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of wealth, success and money. Back to the the book, the overall novel just proved what I already knew about humanity; we all want what we don’t have, and even then we just want more of what we already do. I have enjoyed all the blogs that you have done throughout the year. It really gave me prespective on specifically Charlie’s choice to leave the Commodore’s workforce. Hey Farah. We follow the Sisters brothers as they carry out a job for the Commodore: to hunt down and kill Hermann Kermit Warm, and also to extract a secret formula from him before he dies, for reasons unknown to themselves. And Charlie, the oh-so-wise one decided, ever so rashly, to randomly handle a barrel of some either very acidic or very basic substance all on his own, only to spill it over his hand, later to be amputated, even after specifically being told by Kermit to not let the substance directly touch any parts of the body. Enjoy. Watch a trailer for The Sisters Brothers. It includes various notable speeches and clips from films, and the words are said with such ferocious power and sincerity that it strips away all misgivings that wealth is the source of happiness in our lives. Last Sentence explained:     After countless killings and many miles travelled the Sisters brothers finally return to their mother. In pursuing the material, we often end up chaining ourselves to our ambitions, that upon our death become meaningless. I also watched the movie blood diamond and I found it very inspirational because it revealed to what extent human greed can negatively impact the lives of millions. With Charlie’s hand out of action this task falls on Eli’s shoulders. YouTube, 27 Mar. Today, it’s used to market products and has been immersed so heavily pop culture that everyone is relentlessly exposed to. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This statement is his struck  a few chords in me. The illusion of wealth and the distribution of income within economies worldwide is at such a fault. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my action, but the way the third part took my by so much unexpected surprise – and not in a good way- made the ending rather lacking. Suddenly there’s all of this change of plans and revelations regarding Hermann Kermit and the job the Sisters brothers set out to complete; killing Kermit. On that note, I wanted to rant a little bit about gold.

M, Mateusz. Book Review: #3 – The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt (audio) | Let's eat Grandpa! We could sit here saying how bad and worthless money really is, but that will not stop anyone. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. 06 Jan. 2016. Not long after this, they are robbed by a group of whores they had earlier dealings with. “Rich Americans Are Getting Richer, While Everyone             Else Falls Behind.”BuzzFeed. Charlie knows he’s getting older and him getting caught off guard by Morris and Warm earlier really cemented that point. And might I say what a pleasing conclusion this was for me.

Darlymple II, Jim. “Dream – Motivational Video.” YouTube. Instead, they’re foul-mouthed and self-destructive (drunkard Charlie), sensitive (the soft-hearted Eli), even idealistic (would-be socialist Hermann).

The Sisters Brothers is a 2011 Western novel by Canadian-born author Patrick deWitt.The darkly comic story takes place in Oregon and California in 1851. He wants to retire and the finds his way how through the gold. ForwardMedia. Your blogs were just as entertaining and insightful! Liked you said, I was also hoping for there to have been a big gun fight like in the previous parts that would decide the fate of characters in the novel. Thankfully, it wasn’t major in terms of the show, but definitely key when put in relation to the novel, The Sisters Brothers. North America’s gold rush rocked both Canada and the United States as thousands of men and women stopped all their endeavors, sold everything and began migrating in hordes just to find some gold dust and make a small fortune. Web. Which brings me to the end. The film’s sometimes tiresome sense of humour is laddish in its embrace of viscera (blood, boils, vomit and live spiders all feature), but as the narrative trots (or, rather, plods) along, its men are revealed to be endearingly less so. The brothers’ misfortune does not end there however, just as they are about to leave their camp  they  are surrounded by Indians who steal all their gold. It left you to wonder and want for more. ( Log Out /  The narrator, Eli Sisters, and his brother Charlie are assassins tasked with killing Hermann Kermit Warm, an ingenious prospector who has been accused of stealing from the Sisters' fearsome boss, the Commodore. Web. 06 Jan. 2016. Not because I want to find the program that ensures I get a job, but rather because I want to find a program that will lead me to a career path that revolves around something I believe in where I can empower, educate and and leave a legacy behind me where people will remember me as someone who did something significant-whether big or small. My touching Charlie’s arm like this would not ever have happened when it was attached, and as such I blushed from the foreignness of it. After a night spent collecting gold with the formula they were hired to steal (this being the formula’s purpose: to make gold visible in riverbeds) Morris dies, followed shortly by Warm. People betray families, friends and their own country just to attain power and fortune. Thank you for your kind words!

It was mediocre for me as well. In the end, when we finally meet this Commodore, he was taking a little bubble bath before he was smothered.

I thought, When a man is properly drunk it is as though he is in a room by himself – there is a physical, impenetrable separation between him and his fellows.

I was hoping for some ridiculously bloody gunfights over the never-ever-retrieved-but-much-desired-formula or a full-on confrontation with the Commodore. The Sisters Brothers is a 2011 Western novel by Canadian-born author Patrick deWitt.The darkly comic story takes place in Oregon and California in 1851. However you can’t take away from the fact that the world runs on money. The narrator, Eli Sisters, and his brother Charlie are assassins tasked with killing Hermann Kermit Warm, an ingenious prospector who has been accused of stealing from the Sisters' fearsome boss, the Commodore. “Blood Diamond – Trailer.” YouTube. Do check either or out! ANd it was heartwarming to get the feedback I did despite the amount of content I posted every time. I always tend to make sure I leave or quit something before I am told I am no longer needed or wanted in a certain place or position. I too cannot go as far as to say I loved the ending. This will continue to be a human pattern forever until the end of time. I was holding my breath the entire video thinking something major was going to happen! It allows you to retain your dignity, and move on faster. 2007. Desired by almost everyone, gold has become a huge factor in economies, politics, wars, extravagance and dividing social hierarchies form the other. 06 Jan. 2016.

When the deed is done, he returns home and listens outside the door as Charlie himself has a bath: He was saying nothing and would say nothing, I knew, but the sound the water made was like a voice, the way it hurried and splashed, chattering, then falling quiet but for the rare drip, as if in humble contemplation. This magic chemical proves too caustic for humans and Charlie himself does not come away unscathed either as he spills some, undiluted, on his hand. Web. This malleable transition metal has been the object of humanity’s obsession for centuries. ( Log Out /  Can you believe it?

I’m sure you all heard of the movie ‘Blood Diamonds’ starring Leonardo Dicaprio, which talks about the mining of diamonds in Africa and the atrocities that stem this massive industry. The messages stemming from the overall story are deep, multi-layered and empowering, but the story itself was rather lacking. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I found myself running my thumb over the coarse black hairs.

The Sisters Brothers is a 2018 black comedy Western crime drama film directed by Jacques Audiard from a screenplay he co-wrote with Thomas Bidegain, based on the novel of the same name by Patrick deWitt.An American and French co-production, it is Audiard's first English-language work.

It is the achilles heal of our species; our greed, our ability to blindly throwaway our lives and kill others just to obtain what we  desire. This Buzzfeed Article elaborates on this issue using the United States as its model in a simple to understand visual way. The Sisters Brothers: The End. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Ugh, exactly! And just when I felt that Charlie wasn’t so bad, you discover that  Charlie used Eli’s temperament and protectiveness of his older brother and “exploited [his] personality [to] protect [his] own flesh and blood.” (216). I provided enough blood for me. Ugh. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. WHY ARE ALL OF THE GOOD CHARACTERS TURNING STUPID? Ultimately Eli succeeds in killing the Commodore by drowning him in his bath and then he and Charlie return to their mother’s house. Change ). You would think such a big mob boss (I mean… he is technically operating a mob with all of his followers in every outpost, right?) Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Upon his death bed, Kermit states a eulogy of sorts regarding the death of Morris wherein he says “He died a free man, which is more than most people can say, if we are going to be honest about it. It was mediocre at the very least, but overall, I’m not particularly impressed. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. They were interesting and entertaining. The very first explorers that colonized Canada were scouring the world looking for gold. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Eli, as narrator, has some profound insights throughout. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. It is much like the Gold Rush show on Discovery Channel which follows the line of several men who travel to many places to mine for gold regardless of dangers, but while the show discusses the the actual procedure of mining gold, the movie brings a more human side to how mining for precious metals or rocks affects people as a whole. Last Sentence:   And might I say what a pleasing conclusion this was for me. I’m not particularly overjoyed at the ending, and neither am I disappointed. Most people are chained to their own fear and stupidity and haven’t the sense to level a cold eye at just what is wrong with their lives.

06 Jan. 2016. Before the Monster can get to them, they break out of the time-dome and hit the road to freedom. It seemed to me I could gauge from these sounds the sorrow or gladness of their creator; I listened intently and decided that my brother and I were, for the present at least, removed from all earthly  dangers and horrors. First Sentence:   I was sitting outside the Commodore’s mansion, waiting for my brother Charlie to come out with news of the job. The Sisters brothers have been sent to retrieve the formula from him, which he expects they will do by means of torture before killing him. Unlock This Study Guide Now. This books stands out for me as an entertaining, well-written, imaginative piece of fiction and deWitt’s storytelling is head and shoulders above a lot of his better reviewed contemporaries. Here’s a very motivational and empowering video on gaining momentum and determination to take a jab at our dreams and finding the true sense of happiness. Being in grade 12, and having yet to apply to any program for university, I am still indecisive regarding what path to pursue in regards to a career.

Charlie and Elie Sisters are hired killers.