For when you want to wallow in despair. Hara always displays the most heartfelt performance and made me connect more with the leading woman role more than any other Naruse film. Außerdem analysiert es Rezensionen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. Yet the movie chooses not to chastise him directly, instead showing us how it affects everyone around him.

Mobile site. Report this film. Yoko Mizuki’s adaptation of Yasunari Kawabata’s well-known novel tells its story principally from the point of view of an observer, the aging patriarch Ogata (So Yamamura).

Subversion of mood and meaning jumbles up a viewer's expectations to a point that someone unfamiliar with such a thing might argue that the film feels mismanaged, scenes and ideas misplaced. Compiled by Sam DiSalle at as of 1.19.19, all titles are gleaned from various sources, lists, interviews, etc. (As of 09/7/20) Sort list by last added for latest additions…. Zugelassene Drittanbieter verwenden diese Tools auch in Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns. Der Artikel ist in folgender Variante leider nicht verfügbar, Naruse: Volume One (Repast / Sound of the Mountain / Flowing) [Masters of Cinema] [DVD] by Ken Uehara. 1,502 films 6,848 123 Edit. IMDb (الأب) - من يمكنه أن يحكم؟- إن كان بإستطاعتك أن تعيش بلا تذمر إذاً فحياتك ناجحة. Stattdessen betrachtet unser System Faktoren wie die Aktualität einer Rezension und ob der Rezensent den Artikel bei Amazon gekauft hat.

أنا عايز أتجوز الفنانة "سيتسوكو هارا" أنا بحبها وهي طيبة وتستاهل كل خير الصراحة. It's an irony, I guess, which I moreso encounter in music than in movies, mostly because it's easier to get away with in music without the intention getting washed away. What Naruse is saying here is "Men, don't enable other men, and support women", and to a lesser extent "Having a baby to save a failing marriage is just one more generation of bad karma". Very woman centred. This is probably my favorite line: It’s cowardly for a man or woman to try to save a marriage with a child.

Naruse never shows everything all at once, but there's a specific power arising…. gabriel guimarães? Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen. عام 1962 كان آخر عمل تشارك فيه أحد أفضل الممثلات في تاريخ السينما الجميلة "سيتسكو هارا" ، بعدها بسنة و بعد وفاة رفيقها الروحي المخرج الياباني العظيم (ياسوجيرو أوزو) اعتزلت التمثيل نهائياً، و اختفت تماماً عن أعين الصحافة و الإعلام، و لم تُعلن أي أسباب لإعتزالها ، وذهبت لتعيش وحيدة في الريف الياباني في كاماكورا حيث كان يصور أوزو أغلب أفلامه ، و عاشت بقية حياتها بدون زواج ليَصْدُق اللقب الذي أطلقه اليابانيون عليها ب"الملاك الطاهر" و "العزباء الأبدية" ، حيث رأوا فيها النموذج المثالي للفتاة اليابانية. 1954
This flow of short shots that looks calm and ordinary at first glance then reveals itself to be like a dip river with a quiet…, A devastating exploration on family and the patriarchy in post-war Japan. So, it is true that Juno fans would not accept such personal decisions, but this masterpiece gives the proper emphasis on family values and the power of tradition, something that hardly do foreign nations understand. The visually and sonically expansive, nervously hopeful ending absolutely wrecked me. It is based on the novel The Sound of the Mountain by Nobel-Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata.

This is yet another film I’ve seen focused on the pessimistic perception on marriage in Japan after the Second World War. Set in the ancient seaside town of Kamakura, Kawabata’s home, “Sound of the Mountain” depicts the increasingly close relationship between a childless young woman, Kikuko (played by Setsuko Hara), and her father-in-law (played by So Yamamura), to whom she turns as her own marriage to the neglectful and philandering Shuichi disintegrates.A very impressive film that would serve as a good introduction to this director and actress.

Mainstream listeners don't need to know a song is subtly sad if they can dance to it or enjoy it regardless.

The final scene, a confessional of a decision made (entirely off-screen), though not yet enacted, is a brief moment of clarity in which two souls achieve an understanding that despite the pressures of tradition, abusers need not be tolerated any longer. To put on the shelf next to the beautifu book The Cinema of Naruse Mikio: Women and Japanese Modernity and the BFI Mikio Naruse Collection.

Diese Einkaufsfunktion lädt weitere Artikel, wenn die Eingabetaste gedrückt wird. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. There's a beauty to the pessimism of Mikio Naruse's films and in Sound of the Mountain, never has it felt all the more profound in here. Review by Kristen Yoonsoo Kim ★★★★½ 1, Creo que requiere cierta comprensión de la misma por parte del espectador para entender sus comportamientos. But it wouldn't have been the same without the sublime Setsuko Hara.

That this exists in a film from 1954 is either radically forward or unintentional. With that being said, Setsuko Hara automatically elevates this plot with her transcending acting skills. It isn't simply listening to the words that gives these things away.

and whenever she does something assertively we hear about it later. Sound of the Mountain is one of the few movies I've seen that fully live up to their reputation. In its stifling calmness, Naruse paints one of the most accurate pictures of an abusive husband on film. An ingratiating bride develops warm ties to her father-in-law while … It may be inevitable that modern ethical standards stand up and shout towards Naruse's take on such themes.

Um die Gesamtbewertung der Sterne und die prozentuale Aufschlüsselung nach Sternen zu berechnen, verwenden wir keinen einfachen Durchschnitt. This needs to be on DVD Criterion!