Our current conception of sport is more than just a ball moving between groups of athletes, or a struggle for a finish line, or an effort to impress judges, as various critical studies will attest. So instead of focusing on off-the-field scandals or even the games themselves, let’s take a few moments to focus on nothing but the positives. The Sociology of Sports: An Introduction (pp. Contemporary sports sociology theories can ultimately be assigned to sport, assessment, and the placement value on athletes. The current system of collegiate football and basketball in America’s universities is littered with corruption caused by the nationwide popularity of “big time” college sports. In the first Red Sox home game following the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings, the team hosted a pregame ceremony that honored victims, first responders and volunteers. Terms of Use :: Privacy Policy :: Contact. Many professional athletes have foundations. “The expression of “spectator sport” itself insists on seeing that which is viewed as a performance. On Veterans Day, 2014, NHL teams wore military-inspired jerseys and hosted pregame ceremonies to honor servicemen and women. Many sports organizations are billion dollar businesses, but when the Super Bowl gets more viewers that the presidential race, is anyone really “winning?”. However, we do not consider how punishment enables law enforcement and the legal system to further oppress marginalized and minority populations... South Asian women in particular are not only vulnerable to domestic violence, but exceptionally vulnerable to underreporting of domestic violence. The Make-A-Wish Foundation isn’t the only charity of its kind, but it is probably one of the more visible. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that’s a full day. Make-A-Wish has partnered with many sports teams and athletes over the years to make dreams come true for young people with life-threatening illnesses. Access to society journal content varies across our titles. As a more concrete example, sports leagues have done their part to get kids active and healthy. (2009). Ask young children who their role models are, and I bet a good amount of them would name an athlete. In 2012, The Boston Globe reported that the Red Sox Foundation had raised over $52 million in 10 years. These are just two of many examples of teams and athletes supporting their communities. There can be many instrumental development objectives and lessons realized through sports. Take Kathy Martin for example, who runs not just as sport, but as a way to improve her lifestyle and to become an inspiration for a younger generation. Brummett, B. One can argue that because so much revenue is plugged into teams like the Yankees or Giants, fans feel obliged and compelled to watch them, whereas “low key” sports such as track simply cannot contrive that much revenue. Religion has been a part of society for thousands of years and touches every life on the globe. According to Bruce Kelley and Carl Carchia of ESPN The Magazine, in 2011, approximately 21.5 million youth between ages six and 17 played team sports. Miles spent a day “saving” San Francisco from bad guys, and the Giants even joined in. The “Americanization” of sports is something that we, as both fans and consumers, rely on to provide us with not only a means of entertainment, but a method in which we can derive the hidden values embedded in competitors. Sports are emotional, and they can incite great passion. Inquiries Journal/Student Pulse [Online], 4. 0.939 Sport in Society. Why Are South Asian Immigrant Women Vulnerable to Domestic Violence? People had lost hope, lost family members, pets, and morale. Fans of spectator sports find a reaffirmation of key societal values through sports, as they give meaning to their own lives. Sports are an essential and important aspect of American society; they are indispensible when it comes to their impact on a plethora of public arenas, including economics and the mass media. The newsletter highlights recent selections from the journal and useful tips from our blog. “The Iraqi national soccer team ultimately became an agency of national identity and pride for their country (Brummett, 12).” Many argue that the Iraqi soccer team help tackle the issues of terrorism in Iraq, as even the media was depicting their “heroism.”. Sport in Society List of Issues Volume 23, Issue 10 2019 Impact Factor. Inquiries Journal/Student Pulse, 4(08). International events like the Olympics and the World Cup serve as a point around which to rally and show national pride and unity. Citation search. There are hundreds, in fact, with causes ranging from promoting healthy lifestyles to diabetes awareness. Look at the Seattle Seahawks. By placing a “value” on a specific athlete, you are not only defining that athlete based on his or her attributes, you are bestowing upon them a specific worth which ultimately translates into the worth of that specific sport en masse, which is why we unjustly deem certain sports more imperative than others. There can be many instrumental development objectives and lessons realized through sports. Ironically, that's what sports give us because no matter what team is your team, it will surely make you laugh, think, and cry. Disclaimer: content on this website is for informational purposes only. The world of sports encourages commercialism, sexism, and most importantly, nationalism. During his final season in 2014, many teams donated money to Jeter’s foundation to help honor him. Sports provide a platform for people to come together and support their country. Regular physical activity is important for building and maintaining healthy bones, muscles and joints. All rights reserved. I know this sounds hokey, but one of the most positive things about sports is the pure, unadulterated joy that can result—for the players, coaches, fans and everyone involved. 0.939 Search in: Advanced search. These fans act as a prime example as to why businesses, such as the National Football league, thrive on the unquestioned reliability of their consumers and enthusiasts. The U.S. match against Portugal was one of the most-watched soccer games in U.S. history with approximately 24.7 million viewers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “More than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese” in 2012. We see our favorite athletes, and we are amazed by them, and it gives us a sense of hope that no matter what challenges or hurdles we have in our daily lives, we can conquer them all. © 2020 Inquiries Journal/Student Pulse LLC. Most professional teams also have charitable arms that raise money to fund grants and community programs. Sports are a powerful tool and have proved to bridge gaps in communities and give people hope. The norms and standards of society go tainted by many athletes throughout the country, who believe that that American spectator sport acts as a platform for the expression of individual principles onto humanity. Some “casual” athletes perform not for financial gain or professional esteem, but simply as a way of living. The boy, Anthony Tarantelli, included a letter and called himself Watt’s “biggest fan.” Watt, who has gained a reputation as one of the NFL’s biggest role models, responded by sending the young boy some gear and a letter of his own. Derek Jeter’s Turn 2 Foundation, in existence since 1996, helps steer young people toward a healthy way of life. Through sports, these organizations have raised increasing amounts of funds for the development of cancer research. These jobs include far more than just the athletes—EMSI looked at other occupations involved with spectator sports such as coaches, referees and agents. 3-21). Its substance crosses educational levels, religious preferences and all language groups. Playing a hockey game injured or diving into the crowd is expected for a twenty-five million dollar paycheck. (CDC), “More than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese” in 2012. Recently, a 7-year-old boy sent his Pee-Wee football jersey to Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt. Like Jim Valvano so movingly said in his 1993 ESPY speech, “…you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. There has been... American culture is saturated with messages propagated by mass media.