George Lucas later used the prequel trilogy to chronicle the events which led to the rise of the Empire. Founding document With implied permission from Palpatine, Tarkin landed the ship anyway, right on the protesters, injuring and killing many. Treaty stipulations included outlawing the recruitment and mobilization of the Stormtrooper Corps, paying heavy war reparations, adhering to strict disarmament treaties, abandoning the numerous Imperial Academies scattered across the Empire, banning torture, and ceding its capital of Coruscant to the Republic. [22] Numerous high-ranking Imperial bureaucrats and military personnel such as Lord Crueya Vandron, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, Grand Admiral Ishin-Il-Raz, Grand Admiral Danetta Pitta, and many others were known for their Humanocentric attitude.

In 32 BBY, he began manipulating pivotal events, such as instigating the Naboo crisis, in which he used the Trade Federation, led by Viceroy Nute Gunray as a pawn, to lead Queen Amidala into calling for a "Vote of No Confidence" in Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, effectively replacing him and eventually winning the Battle of Naboo with assistance from the Gungans. However, their plot failed in part because of internal fighting between the co-conspirators.
After the Emperor largely retired from public life, Vizier Amedda and the rest of the Ruling Council took to dispatching processions of Imperial skylimos to maintain an illusion that the Emperor still moved about in public. Chesille Sabrond | It was succeeded as the Imperial legislature by various councils, most composed of Moffs: the Central Committee of Grand Moffs, the Interim Ruling Council, and finally, the Council of Moffs. [66] The Empire lost a local ally in the form of Viceroy Gar Saxon, the Emperor's Hand and puppet ruler of Mandalore. Tenth Brother Shimmra Jamaane | The Empire was also the creator of the Death Star, which they used to destroy Alderaan. While the Imperial Period saw some increases in state control and centralization of economic procedures, it had little effect on the galactic economy, as witnessed in the virtual non-existence of inflation. As the battle raged, Counselor Rax, Adviser Yupe Tashu, Brendol and Armitage Hux, and the child soldiers traveled to the Jakku Observatory. Vader kills Nute Gunray, the last of the Separatist Council. Rax publicly claimed shock at the assumed death of Sloane. The Empire did nationalize some corporate entities, though such actions were mainly reserved for those companies that were part of or supported the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and later those who favored and aided the Rebellion. With the Imperial command ship destroyed, New Republic forces were able to outflank the Imperial forces on all fronts. [48] In return for the support given to the Corporate Sector Authority, the Empire would collect a yearly stipend of 3% of the total gross product, 9% of all material, and 20% of all strategic rare elements coming out of the Corporate Sector. The largest Imperial remnant was publicly led by Grand Admiral Rae Sloane and covertly ruled by Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax and his Shadow Council. Bo-Katan Kryze |

The Imperial mission to Malachor was a partial failure as both the Jedi and Maul escaped, but Jarrus was blinded in a duel against Maul while Ezra began exploring the dark side, and the rebellion Jedi leadership was broken.
Benefactor: Darth Sidious Rom Mohc | Despite these efforts, the Republic had already established its capital on Chandrila, a planet located within the Core. This petition was led by Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and Padmé Amidala. Citizens who had become disillusioned with their senators found a new voice through organizations like COMPNOR, and the Outer Rim was reconciled to Imperial rule through conciliatory gestures like the pardoning and early release of certain Separatist prisoners. Vergere | Many Imperial institutions preferred the Wookiees and other enslaved sapient beings for complicated and challenging construction projects such as the first Death Star, even though the droids were economically cheaper laborers and provided more effective and sophisticated performance capacity than organic slaves. Super Battle Droids | As the New Republic officials shepherded the liberated prisoners and their families onto a stage, Rax ordered Grand Moff Randd to prepare the Imperial fleets to travel to a series of coordinates, which turned out to be the planet Jakku. The Sith immediately seized this oppertunity to give the clone army Order 66, a command which branded all Jedi as traitors to the Republic and ordered for their execution, causing them into betraying and murdering their Jedi generals. Due to exceptionally bad planning and tactics, every one of them was killed, though Vader's suit was slightly damaged. Saxon's death triggered a power vacuum among the Mandalorians.

The admiral, however, had been unable to render air support because Lord Vader had ordered him to rendezvous with his shuttle in space,[51] but instead of meeting Vader, Konstantine received another Inquisitor known as the Fifth Brother. The Empire was reborn in 12 ABY when Admiral Gilad Pellaeon led the United Warlord Fleets—themselves formed when Admiral Natasi Daala killed thirteen squabbling warlords and unified their holdings—out of the galaxy's Deep Core and united them with surviving Imperial factions in the Outer and Mid Rims. Empire Day[14] The empire was finally named "Galactic Empire" in Adventures of the Starkiller, Episode I: The Star Wars, which was followed by the first Star Wars film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. invalid names, e.g. Thrawn Formed from In 2 BBY, after the true nature of the Empire became clear, three of the most influential senators, Bail Organa of Alderaan, Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia, and Mon Mothma of Chandrila, along with others, were on the brink of starting a great rebellion against the Empire. However, the increasing view that the Empire was weakened, reinforced by the insistence of authorities claiming otherwise, prompted thousands of planets to join the Alliance, while Imperial Military defections steadily increased. In line with Rax's cult-like philosophy, Imperial training became harsher and more savage while dissidents were harshly treated. A celebration of the demise of the Jedi led by Grand Vizier Mas Amedda. The First Order rose to power as the successor of the Galactic Empire. Iden Versio | All Imperial media was verified, reviewed and censored by the Imperial Board of Culture, as well as the Ministry of Culture. Following the Emperor's final demise, the Star Dreadnought Eclipse II was programmed to collide with the Galaxy Gun, destroying both superweapons.