Susanoo, also known as the Tempestuous God of Valour (勇武の荒神, Yūbu no Aragami; ; ; ), is the third ability granted by the Mangekyō Sharingan to those who awaken the abilities Tsukuyomi — which symbolises the "darkness of the spiritual world" and Amaterasu — which denotes the "light of the material world". [29], One of the first two amongst the Uchiha to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan, Madara awakened a Susanoo of his own after awakening the abilities in both of his eyes and is also able to use it while having his Rinnegan activated.

As one of the strongest techniques granted to those that have acquired the Mangekyō Sharingan, it is the user's guardian deity, but at the same time, it consumes the user's life.[1]. Its back set of arms, which are still plated, extend upwards like wings and its front set of arms, which lose their plating, are somewhat smaller than the plated arms. Itachi and Sasuke's Susanoo are depicted as different colours in the anime than in the manga. Itachi's Susanoo has two sets of arms, which are conjoined at the elbow; the secondary arms are manifested as required. However, it should be noted that Susanoo can also appear behind the user, instead of just surrounding them. The user can be thrown out of the upper half of Susanoo by an enemy manipulating the substance underneath Susanoo. Sasuke described it as feeling pain in every cell in his body which only grew from prolonged use. Itachi's Susanoo carries the Sword of Totsuka in a gourd. Victims of the sword are trapped in a genjutsu-like "world of drunken dreams" for all eternity. It is the strongest ability available to those who have awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan in both eyes. Upon first entering this stage, a Susano'o can also gain access to an orb made up of black flames, which can be manifested in any of it's forms. In its completed state, a Susano'o is capable of wielding an unusually shaped bow which usually manifests on its left arm, though it can vary between users. [36] It is also able to use the powerful Yasaka Magatama as a ranged attack, creating a string of magatama that he can fire at his opponents.

In its earliest form, users can only manifest some of Susano'o's skeleton. [28] In its final stage, Susanoo's orb is made up of the black flames of Amaterasu,[29] which Sasuke is able to manipulate into various forms using Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi, and its bow grows in size and takes on a more shield-like appearance. In Itachi's case, his Susanoo was illustrated in the anime before being coloured in the manga. In its final form, this fully humanoid shape is further surrounded by a secondary layer of armour that causes Susanoo to resemble a yamabushi.