So, what would you do if, out of the blue, one of the richest men in India comes to you and decides to make you the CEO of his company? Read more to know –, “Are these tests real or artificial creations?”, “Will Acharya make Sapna the CEO after she passes these tests?”, Categories: Book Reviews, Fiction, Thriller & Mystery Books Tags: Book Review, The Accidental Apprentice, Vikas Swaroop. Pre-publication book reviews and features keeping readers and industry

Vikas Swarup, acclaimed author of Slumdog Millionaire and Six Suspects, has written a compelling, suspenseful tale about the lure of money and the power of dreams. All Rights Reserved. Your email address will not be published. Once again, it’s 21st-century India—cellphones, industrial bounty, ambitious consumerism—overlaid on a patriarchal rural society plagued by abuse and forced marriage. The letter reveals the truth why Vinay had chosen Sapna as his successor and tells her the final lesson he intended to impart: Wisdom. And thus begins Sapna’s journey, a meditation on money, ambition and fame in an arena where ancient socioethical values are under siege.

GENERAL MYSTERY & DETECTIVE The story progresses as Sapna passes the tests, one-by-one, and proves her mettle. MYSTERY & DETECTIVE Bridie’s London is soaked with mud and blood, and her past is nightmarish at best.

Engineer at BMM. An accomplished detective with medical training, she sometimes helps the police by examining bodies to determine the cause of death. With so much detail and so many clever, Dickensian characters, readers might petition Kidd to give Bridie her own series.

You’ll love it hands down. We’re glad you found a book that interests you. Some dream of becoming a cricketer, some want to win the Roadies, some want to be a civil servant & some want to become the CEO of a big company.


But in order to become the heir of his empire, Sapna must pass seven tests from the "Textbook of Life". Though Vinay praises her for her character, Sapna is outraged at Vinay's indifference to the threat which posed to life. In an effort to save Snape's life in the Shrieking Shack, Harry ends up accidentally forming a master/apprentice bond which neither of them can break... with Snape in the position of apprentice.


Sapna uses all her wits to escape from the escalating situation and finally all is well.

The Accidental Apprentice is international crime fiction at its most entertaining. The story begins when a billionaire Vinay Mohan Acharya approaches an ordinary salesgirl, Sapna Sinha, and asks her to become the CEO of his $10 billion company. Sapna turns it down, saying that she intends to follow her heart, and AK agrees with her. Each situation explores a facet of corruption in India. So far, Sapna learns the qualities of leadership, integrity, courage, foresight, resourcefulness and decisiveness, with Acharya keeping tabs on her and explaining the relevance of each quality. RELEASE DATE: March 17, 2020.

But the hints of other crimes Tempe’s identification uncovers, particularly crimes against children, spur her on to redouble her efforts despite the new M.E.’s splenetic outbursts.

Arson. There’s a lot going on in this singular novel, and none of it pretty.

His company is engaging in insider trading and Acharya himself is not keeping well.

), she has no intention of calling in Tempe as a consultant and promptly identifies the faceless body herself as that of a young Asian man.

A final word – No matter what genres you like reading, read The Accidental Apprentice.

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Before he died, it seems, Felix Vodyanov was linked to a passenger ferry that sank in 1994, an even earlier U.S. government project to research biological agents that could control human behavior, the hinky spiritual retreat Sparkling Waters, the dark web site DeepUnder, and the disappearances of at least four schoolchildren, two of whom have also turned up dead.

One day, as she leaves the shop for her lunchbreak, she is approached by a man, Vinay Mohan Acharya, who claims to be the CEO of one of India's biggest companies.

She hates her job, but she is ambitious and determined to succeed, because she knows that her family's fate is dependent on the money she brings in.

CLIMAX: 4.5/5 |


Bridie is skeptical, but there are reports of Christabel’s sharp teeth, color-changing eyes, and ability to drown people on dry land.

| SUSPENSE The story explores various forms of corruption in modern India. It’s free and takes less than 10 seconds!

Creepy, violent, and propulsive; a standout gothic mystery.

| Characters are lively: Neha is the perfect Indian valley girl; Nirmala Ben is a widow, "quite possibly the world’s only Gandhian kleptomaniac," who goes on a hunger strike against a corrupt conglomerate; Karan, beguiling and gentle, is first Sapna’s crush then her supportive gay friend until his wicked secret is revealed.

GENERAL THRILLER & SUSPENSE Your email address will not be published.

Shocked, right? The book is divided into 7 chapters, each dedicated to one test. WRITING STYLE: 4/5 Vikas Swarup. Though I cannot go into further details, I would say that each of the tests involves a story which is compelling, exciting & thrilling. Jess Kidd He tells her he is looking for someone to take on his business empire, and has decided it should be her.

Acharya has been shown as a shrewd businessman with acumen in understanding people. Well, that is what this book, The Accidental Apprentice, is about.

Kidd (Mr. Flood’s Last Resort, 2018, etc.) Sapna passes six of the seven tests with great difficulty. Well, that is what this book, The Accidental Apprentice, is about. DETECTIVES & PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS Father to Ahaana. There may be satire here, but it’s gentle and empathetic. AK promises help to Sapna and asks her to take over as the CEO of Vinay's company. In the end, AK takes over Vinay's company and feels remorseful for holding a grudge against his brother.

[4] Sapna Sinha works in an electronics store in downtown Delhi.

Basically, these tests are challenges thrown by life at Sapna and how does she overcome these is the plot. Trouble signing in?

The seven tests are seven unexpected and life threatening situations with each test revealing a different quality of a leader.

These are no ordinary written tests or interviews.

Bridie Devine is no stranger to the seedy underworld of Victorian London. With their ailing mother, sisters Sapna and Neha Sinha, new to Delhi, reside in "the colony," a vast apartment complex. Kathy Reichs

is an expert at setting a supernatural mood perfect for ghosts and merrows, but her human villains make them seem mundane by comparison. Learn More{{/message}}, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful.