Die Uraufführung fand am 24. The film runs 128 minutes, features a symphonic score by Mohamed Nouh, and mixes set and location shots, with a few special effects by Excalibur. Jetzt anmelden. [2], „In Sepiatönen gedrehtes Einwanderer-Melodram, das in der Leidensgeschichte seiner fantastisch gespielten Hauptfigur an die Stummfilmzeit anknüpft. Mahmoud Hemida (Hemeida) Amihar.

Im Jahre 1921 kommen die polnischen katholischen Schwestern Ewa und Magda als Immigrantinnen auf Ellis Island an. Ram toys with his brothers before revealing his identity, and they become reconciled.

Dissatisfied with the nomadic lifestyle of his family, he dreams of traveling to Egypt to study agriculture.

Khaled El Nabaoui. Ram. Overview . Community (1) Verteilung ansehen .

Trailer, Filmkritiken und vieles mehr über Der Emigrant von Youssef Chahine. Find trailers, reviews, synopsis, awards and cast information for The Emigrant (1994) - Youssef Chahine on AllMovie - The biblical tale of Joseph is told from an…

[2][3], Unfortunately, Ram becomes caught up in an intertwined mesh of sexual, political, and religious intrigues. Stilbewusst hält der Film die Waage zwischen Realismus und bewusst eingesetzter Emotionalität.“, Little Odessa (1994) | Ewa wird fast zurückgeschickt, aber Bruno, der Jude ist, wird auf sie aufmerksam und bemerkt, dass sie fließend Englisch spricht. Mai 2013 im Rahmen der Internationalen Filmfestspiele von Cannes statt, wo der Film im Wettbewerb um die Goldene Palme startete. Sie hoffen auf ein besseres Leben, nachdem sie ihrem verwüsteten Elternhaus im Nachkriegspolen entfliehen konnten. After Ram's release, he becomes involved in a power struggle between the wealthy followers of Amun, chief of the traditional Egyptian pantheon, versus the oppressed followers of Aten, god of the monotheistic Atenist heresy.

Original title: Al-mohager (The Emigrant). Ram actively participates in the bargaining to get the best possible price for his purchase. The biblical tale of Joseph is told from an Egyptian perspective in this interesting character study. In this film, Joseph is called Ram. But the hardship he faces in Egypt are all the more daunting : there are solitude, passion and, finally, Ram's unwilling involvement in the power struggle between the wealthy advocates of the ancient god Amon, and downtrodden followers of Aton, the Sun God.

Januar bis 17.

Magda kommt wegen einer Lungenkrankheit in Quarantäne. Dezember 2013 in die Kinos, im deutschsprachigen Teil am 26.

Dann wird ihm das Geld von korrupten Polizisten gestohlen. Im französischsprachigen Teil der Schweiz kam der Film am 11. Ewa erfährt, dass Bruno genug Geld hatte, um ihre Schwester freizukaufen, aber er verheimlichte es ihr, weil er nicht wollte, dass sie ihn verlässt. Mai 2013 während der Internationalen Filmfestspiele von Cannes wurde der Film unter anderem auf dem Filmfest München, dem Reykjavík International Film Festival, dem Zurich Film Festival, dem Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival, dem New York Film Festival, dem Chicago International Film Festival, dem Arras Film Festival, dem Ljubljana International Film Festival, dem Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla, dem Napa Valley Film Festival, dem Lisbon & Estoril Film Festival und dem Marrakech International Film Festival gezeigt. In der Hauptrolle ist Marion Cotillard zu sehen. Amihar is impressed by Ram's drive and personal charm and so grants Ram some desolate land outside the capital.
Ram, tired of his family's backward superstitious life, and tired of being picked on by his brothers, wants to go to Egypt to study agriculture.

But by waging battle against his enemies, and especially against himself, Ram will try to create his own, personal moral vision.

Die Uraufführung fand am 24. Er will den Totschlag an Emil gestehen.

Nach der Uraufführung am 24. He feels he is suffocating amid his boorish brothers who, driven by jealousy and avarice, decide to kill him.

In Ellis Island sieht Ewa einen Auftritt von Emil, Brunos Cousin. brother, Egyptian [nationality], land, manipulation, military-leader. The Emigrant is a film directed by Youssef Chahine with Ahmed Bedir, Safia El Emari, Mahmoud Hemida, Yousef Ismail, .... Year: 1994.

His marriage to Simihit, former princess of a vanquished nation, was at first simply a political maneuver, but he later came to care deeply for her.

Forewarned by his weather knowledge, he saves the family's flocks from a destructive sandstorm, and manages to persuade his father to let him leave for Egypt.

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 11.

The biblical tale of Joseph is told from an Egyptian perspective in this interesting character study.


The Immigrant ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm des Regisseurs James Gray, der gemeinsam mit Ric Menello das Drehbuch schrieb. Synopsis: Three thousand years ago, Ram, son of an impoverished tribe living in an arid land, dreams of changing his way of life.

Juni 2014, und in den Vereinigten Staaten am 16. His older brothers travel with him, but at the shipping dock they tie him up, knock him out, and dump him into the hold of a boat traveling to Egypt. Amihar does not necessarily believe her. Helden der Nacht – We Own the Night (2007) | Ramses Marzouk did the camera work, Rachida Abdel-Salam acted as film editor, Hamed Hemdan provided art direction, Nahed Nasrallah handled costume design, Dominique Hennequin handled sound, Walid Aouni performed choreography, and Ahmed Kassem acted as assistant director. Ram is not afraid to express his contempt for the Egyptian obsession with death and the preservation of one's mortal remains, and affirms his belief in one God and the immortality of the soul independent of one's body. Mai 2013 im Rahmen der Internationalen Filmfestspiele von Cannes statt, wo der Film im Wettbewerb um die Goldene Palme startete.

Amihar is impressed by Ram's honesty, takes a personal liking to the young man, and gives Ram a chance to convert a barren stretch of land into a working farm. The Immigrant ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm des Regisseurs James Gray, der gemeinsam mit Ric Menello das Drehbuch schrieb.

1 zuvor 1. The biblical tale of Joseph is told from an Egyptian perspective in this interesting character study. Der Emigrant auf mubi.com. Ram (Khaled El … The Immigrant wurde von der Scalamedia GmbH synchronisiert.

Directed by Youssef Chahine. Hintergundinfos zu Der Emigrant Deine Bewertung When he wakes up, he is discovered by the boat owner family, who intend to sell him as a slave. The Immigrant wurde vom 27. Ram catches the eye of Simihit. Throughout these troubles, Ram is fiercely loyal to both Simihit and Amihar, and his loyalty is rewarded by his release from slavery. Onkel und Tante, die bereits in New York etabliert sind und für sie bürgen sollen, tauchen nicht auf. Juni 2020 um 08:55 Uhr bearbeitet.

Through a combination of hard work, good mentoring, and a bit of luck, Ram is successful in this endeavor.

Severe famine strikes, and Joseph's brothers turn up asking for food.


[4], In this film, young Ram is a thinker who has grown up in a primitive and superstitious society, hated by his brothers and suspected of sorcery.

Synopsis . Polizisten bringen sie nach Ellis Island und sie muss ein zweites Mal ihre Ausweisung befürchten. [1], The release of this film, which is loosely based on the story of the Biblical Joseph, raised a storm of protest, since Islam forbids the visual representation of religious figures.

Al Mohager) is a 1994 Egyptian film by Youssef Chahine.

His brothers travel with him across Sinai, but then suddenly sell him to Ozir, an Egyptian who works for a Theban military leader, Amihar.

Amihar is a eunuch, a former harem guard.

Although Simihit is a priestess of Amun, she is a secret convert to the Cult of Aten. Der Emigrant (FR 1994) Redaktion.

In Deutschland erschien er am 30. Al Mohager) is a 1994 Egyptian film by Youssef Chahine.

März 2012 in New York City in den Kaufman Astoria Studios, auf Ellis Island, in Brooklyn und der Bronx gedreht. Der Emigrant ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 1994 von Youssef Chahine mit Khaled Nabawy, Youssra und Mahmood Hemaidah. With Youssra, Khaled Nabawy, Mahmoud Hemida, Michel Piccoli. In this retelling of Joseph's life with an Egyptian twist, the descendant of Abraham is known as Ram, a man leading a nomadic life and dreaming of studying in Egypt. Bruno begleitet sie nicht, um nicht die Verfolgung durch die Polizei auf sie zu ziehen.
Ram, tired of his family's backward superstitious life, and tired of being picked on by his brothers, wants to go to Egypt to study agriculture.

Ram soon finds himself a pawn in the political and sexual games between Amihar and his wife Simihit, a high priestess of the Cult of Amun. Find movie and film cast and crew information for The Emigrant (1994) - Youssef Chahine on AllMovie Joseph does not advance because of a miraculous ability to receive and interpret dreams, but because of his personal merits.

Bruno entwickelt auch ein romantisches Interesse an ihr.

Gesamt: 1.

Ad Astra – Zu den Sternen (2019), Internationalen Filmfestspiele von Cannes, Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival, Vorlage:IMDb/Wartung/„importiert aus“ fehlt, Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Immigrant_(2013)&oldid=200849315, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“.

The biblical tale of Joseph is told from an Egyptian perspective in this interesting character … The Emigrant (Arabic: المهاجر‎, translit. The Emigrant (1994) 01/01/1994 (EG) Drama 2h 9m User Score.

Die versunkene Stadt Z (2017) | Michel Piccoli.

Mit Geld von ihrer Tante und mithilfe von Brunos Beziehungen kann Ewa Magda freikaufen. His initial months as a slave are a disappointment, however, since he is assigned to assist in the mummification of bodies rather than learning about agriculture. Ram, tired of his family's backward superstitious life, and tired of being picked on by his brothers, wants to go to Egypt to study agriculture. The Immigrant (2013) |