Some (inevitable) repetition from the previous two books in the series & the plot strains itself a bit to retain consistency, but it's all fantastical fiction anyway, so why pick holes in it as long as it's entertaining?

Noté /5. Douglas Adams meets the wizarding world. Loved it more than book 2.

I hate this waiting to find out what comes next. Pour sortir de ce carrousel, utilisez votre touche de raccourci d'en-tête pour accéder à l'en-tête suivant ou précédent.
The Mighty Shandar, the most powerful wizard the world has ever seen, returns to the Ununited Kingdoms. Romans, classiques, polars, bien-être,... Venez explorer le plus grand catalogue audio au monde avec plus de 350 000 titres !

The Eye of Zoltar: The Last Dragonslayer, Book 3. Encore des personnages hilarants (la future reine spécialiste de constructions financières est tout à fait délicieuse ! ) I can’t wait for the next one. Once upon a time he was paid 18 dray-weights of gold to rid the world of Dragons, Jennifer rather spoilt that plan, and he doesn't give refunds. The Eye Of Zoltar is the third book in the Chronicles of Kazam series by Welsh author Jasper Fforde.

© 1996-2020,, Inc. ou ses filiales. Fforde began his career in the film industry, and for nineteen years held a variety of posts on such movies as Goldeneye, The Mask of Zorro and Entrapment. Harumpf. Don't get me wrong, Fforde's writing is as funny and satirical as in the previous two books in the series, but whereas in those books he balances his morbid humor with a generally up-beat ending, in this book at the end several major characters die and the entire UnUK goes through a sudden dramatic (and brutal) regime change, essentially wiping th, I gave this book three stars, even though I really wanted to give it 4 (or 5), as (well, there's no easy way to put this) the book is a severe downer.

It seems this series is going on, which is good because this one leaves you up in the air on many fronts. Sigh. I am particularly fond of the quarkbeast. Undaunted, Jennifer heads to Cambria with newly minted wizard Perkins in tow, as well as the very spoiled Princess Shazine (luckily in not quite recognisable form), entrusted to Jennifer for a bit of character-building by Queen Mimosa. We’ve got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day.

I'll read the next one. Excellent for reading during lockdown.

Jennifer Strange is just as responsible as ever heading to a neighboring kingdom on a quest that has ramifications for the future of dragonkind. Sélectionnez la section dans laquelle vous souhaitez faire votre recherche. I usually try to wait until all books in a series have been published so I read them back to back. And now the wait ffor more Fforde begins.

I thought this was going to be the last book in this particular series but it did seem to end very much in the air with the opportunity for much more to come.

UPDATE: 10/16/2014: AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME and AWESOME!!! Des tiers approuvés ont également recours à ces outils dans le cadre de notre affichage d’annonces.

Monsters, magicians, hippy-dippy hitchhikers & even an angel or two given a guest spot - quite a delightful combination, with a slightly unexpected ending.