After she kicked him out in last week’s episode, Barry realized that something wasn’t right. How good is “Liberation?” It’s so good that perhaps the most eye-rollingly saccharine, falsetto piano ballad-fueled final two minutes in the history of The Flash couldn’t even dent it.

The Mirror-Trio’s encounter with Bloodwork also added some surprising depth to Mirror-Iris. About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us, 13 of the Best Love Epiphanies of All Time, Watch The Flash Season 6 Episode 17 Online. Across time. Ramsey is in it for the long game, making him a bit similar to the Reverse Flash. I got my major complaint out of the way up front, and anything else that didn’t sit totally right with me gets a pass. Press play above to get a peek at the pivotal moment that appears to push Iris’ buttons. Barry was just in Eva's way of enacting her revenge on her husband, and that is why she needed to take him down. All rights reserved. After the success of Arrow, Barry Allen (a.k.a. We will take whatever we can at this point.

But Cecile came through like she always does. His broody, Oliver Queen-esque “every day that the machine is off is another day that I can’t protect this city” line delivery was a wonderful contrast with his manic, conspiracy-unraveling demeanor a scene later, or his desperate, unsure, and suitably paranoid “I’m me! It felt out of place on an episode that was all about saving Iris from the Mirrorverse, and it was only dropped in there for the sake of exposition. Barry acted like a crazed man when trying to convince Cecile that Iris was an imposter, and it was hard to fault her for not believing him at first. Follow her on Twitter. Iris: And I'm gonna find Kamilla. Her Iris and Mirror Iris performances were incredibly moving. Every now and then The Flash throws one of these at you, and it’s another monument to how strong the show’s foundation is. Yes, it’s still great to see Mirror Iris spitting a little truth at Barry, but you could see a constantly awakening pain underneath her chilly exterior, a genuine authenticity that wasn’t merely a villain’s manipulations. Eva has escaped, and Iris' clone is dead.

I know it in my heart. The Flash Sneak Peek: The Real Iris Makes a Really Startling Discovery! It finally addressed the growing need for Barry to notice something … Thankfully, that all changed in tonight’s episode, which delivered one very interesting surprise. Unfortunately, they discover that she’s in an ice coma because her powers couldn’t heal the light-wound. While all of this drama was going on, Cisco and Ralph visited Caitlin, who was busy recovering from her battle with Sunlight. Barry has an epiphany moment where he shares all of his suspicions with Cecile, and the writers gave me a really fun scene for when it all lands, where I convey all these ideas about what I think is really going on.”. She smashed a bottle over some guy's head. But I still have hope because I know you are out there fighting to get me back home.Barry: If you can hear me, I guess I just need you to know that-Iris: I love you. Hopefully, whatever the writers have in store for Ramsey for the future is a new story that does not feel like a repeat of the first half of The Flash Season 6. The absolute highlight both visually and dramatically, was the way Mirror Iris “shattered” though. This week on The CW’s The Flash, Barry will come to suspect that something is “off” in his world. Meanwhile, over in the Mirrorverse, Iris finally learns that Eva’s been lying to her this entire time after she discovers a secret room behind the giant mirror that contains mirror recordings of everything that’s happened since Iris got trapped. His story seemed to be over the previous time we saw him on The Flash Season 6 Episode 8, but if his scene with Eva's clones was any indication, he is just getting started.

And we knew eventually Barry would figure it out, but what we didn’t know was how, or the final little twists they would throw at us along the way. Whatever was going on with Cisco, Ralph, and Caitlin and her “ice coma” felt completely extraneous and disposable, but it wasn’t so jarring as to pull me out of the episode.

Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! ATTENTION: SOME OF THE QUOTES BELOW CONTAIN SPOILERS. Caitlin tells them they need to ask her mother for help. This The Flash review contains spoilers.. If you like TVLine, you'll LOVE our weekly newsletter.

Let me know in the comments, and do not forget that you can watch The Flash online right here via TV Fanatic! Presented by Helstrom - All Episodes Now Streaming on Hulu, The Flash: Season 6, Episode 17 - "Liberation" Review, Best Buy 4KTV and Amazon Fire Deals: Save in This 60-Hour Pre-Black Friday Sale, The Best PlayStation Deals for October 2020, Daily Deals: Preorder Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, or PC and Save 17% Off, Uncharted Movie: First Image of Tom Holland as Nathan Drake Released, Xbox Brazil Host Firing Unrelated to Her Getting Death Threats, Microsoft Says, Bethesda Sued for $100 Million After 'Intentional Sabotage' of Rune 2 to Protect The Elder Scrolls, Godfall Devs on Loot, Progression, and Making 'The Tinkerer's Dream', NASA Releases Footage from Their First-Ever Touchdown on as Asteroid, Star Trek: Discovery Review - ‘Far From Home’, Supernatural's Mary Winchester Looks Back at the Iconic Death Scene That Started It All, DC Showcase - Batman: Death in the Family Review, South Park: "The Pandemic Special" Review, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. © 2020 TV Fanatic Barry and Iris will overcome this, just like they have everything else. And I'll stay out of yours. Plus, I loved Mirror-Iris telling Barry he needs to mind his surroundings, which is a lesson Oliver Queen tried to teach him way back in season 1. The Flash airs on Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW. It’s another hour without Barry in costume (something we’ve seen a few times this season), one where he barely even uses his powers (still dealing with budget issues from Crisis and Bloodwork, perhaps? And don’t be fooled by the fact that nobody wears a costume in this episode, because it still delivers one of the most visually inventive (and chilling) action sequences in the history of the show. Instead, it’s low key, relying on claustrophobia, inventive uses of the mirrors (and ESPECIALLY their shards), and a great Blake Neely score to ramp it up. @wayoutstuff, Mike Cecchini is the Editor-in-Chief of Den of Geek.

But impostor or no, that was very much the real Candice Patton we had here this week, and this was handily her best episode of the season. At one point, Eva lets slip that her Mirror-babies feel everything she feels and vice-versa, so Iris decides to cause Eva some emotional distress by accusing her of still loving her husband. Luckily, they don’t have to worry about that too much because their artificial Speed Force fails. Get the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox! The Flash brings trouble for WestAllen as Barry finally figures out what's going on with Iris.

I feel like it’s been a while since we’ve had a particularly TENSE episode, and “Liberation” was certainly it. Eva and Iris watch all of this go down from the Mirrorverse.