Soon after John drives away, Luath hears the calls of wild geese overhead, returning home. James removes the quills from Luath's muzzle (despite initially being on the receiving end of Bodger's protective instincts over the young dog) and that night, he locks the dogs in his barn, planning to ask around and find out who they belong to. Fiction

Sheila Burnford's timeless children's classic is the courageous and heartwarming story of three runaway pets. The cat hides on a wood pile outside the house, watching and waiting and unnoticed by James or Nell. It depicts the suffering and stress of an arduous journey, together with the unwavering loyalty and courage of the three animals. Now well on their way home, the animals stop at a river to have a drink, but have to hide from a passing truck in case they are recognized. . All of a sudden, Elizabeth hears a dog barking in the distance and becomes immediately convinced that it must be Luath. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? Then, the lynx corners Tao in a log, but is driven off by the arrival of a young boy with a rifle, allowing the cat to press on. Grades. When he arrives, he discovers that his wife Nell has found Bodger. Mrs. Oakes, who is taking care of Longridges' home, does not find the animals an… John Drainie as Professor James Hunter, the father and husband of the Hunter family For other uses, see, Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children's Book Award, Canadian Library Association Book of the Year for Children Award, International Board on Books for Young People, "IBBY Honour List (1956–1980) 1964 Honour List",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 September 2020, at 18:46. One night, after recovering fully, the cat decides to leave the family and get back to the dogs. The eccentric old man takes the animals to his hut, where he makes a stew for them to eat. The animals follow their instincts and head west, towards home, 300 miles away through the Canadian wilderness. Tao takes his time in travelling, now that he is alone. Does Jerry Seinfeld have Parkinson's disease? They leave their pets in the care of John Longridge, a family friend and godfather of their daughter, Elizabeth. both children and adults, The Incredible Journey is her most well-known work. What is the rising action of faith love and dr lazaro? Adobe Reader required for a The boy and the old dog are ecstatic to be reunited once again. Not long after that, Luath and Bodger hear Tao calling. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. This article is about the book. Mrs. Oakes, who is taking care of Longridges' home, does not find the animals and thinks that John must have taken them with him. However, many miles downriver, a young girl named Helvi discovers Tao, soaking wet, barely alive, and half-starved, by the side of the water. Featuring the voices of Don Ameche, Sally Field, and Michael J. It also has vocalizations of the animals' thoughts and communications with each other.