_�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� Dead end:when the dragon has been moved to a tile from which there is no legal move, he is not moved further on this journey. ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D Play the story until the point where the princess says ‘Whee! ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� %���� !����y�;/Z%uh�*DT��w^�����&�h��4 r�s0�����U��Fȵ:"pV�E>�r�i>�ͲZ�=+חI�P��*����Pǫ2"�{�y�F�=r[��J���n _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ���

The king and the queen were very sad. ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� stream �� C �� �/" �� nice story. E?�E ���k�7ˤJ�A��r����v���D- �N&��m�D9�����p����$�>3�>ރ� �z��� \�$���g��d����������ւ��"�x���9@�:���@tp���Td�gH9�� 4 0 obj ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D x����k�����0JT��g�NL���o��$Z���0Yu�U� �,�.�ߏ�x*&���6�.��y.

��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D ‘Help me!’ ‘Roar!’ The king and queen were very sad. �S��cV��l��.b���wI4�{�F����]Ρy:�im�Yp�I���8|p�>.k}��n��֝�c�R{��ԟ5�iet�������}&G����rCH-���g��H��Y�{?�mtjw���"?�o_�_?x��_�|]$��뷷��V��R"Q�p�{c�k�/�3����4�>ϧ#m�P�t�2 �&�\v���&��v�˩Zɯߨ�Kx�G���F���������3��N\�}��#� /Filter /FlateDecode ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� In this situation, if a dragon tile is drawn, the player sets it aside and draws another to play in its stead. The polished skulls of the last dragons staring down sightlessly from the walls of the throne room while the Kingslayer opened Father’s throat with a golden sword. stream ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D stream x��=�r�8���?�Q܊h�N�T;����T�9�}����Ȯ�%�$��|����@���%�ɦb]�K7���]}����������|q�ZF�����yu��nu��|�������Ͽ�џW��j?�E�o���?�h}x��_oߤQ���O���Hd"a4Ҝ$����o���h����$����XB#"�4a*Z��m�?�O�c���V�>���-�d������7��N�O��=!�k���g������o�>��Fwy�����⨠r��W@�PR*K���x��:��H4��$�rs��*��|L ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D 2 0 obj �� � w !1AQaq"2�B���� #3R�br� 1 0 obj ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� 3 0 obj >> ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� “Help me!” “Roar!” The king and queen were very sad. ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D endobj - the Princess &the Dragon. They promised to give a bag of gold to the knight that rescued the princess. ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� ���w�iÞ��r���� the dragon was funny and happy. _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� <>

/Length 2739 dragon will take the princess, a prince will kill the dragon, the princess will kiss the ogre, etc, or whatever the learners come up with! ���� JFIF x x �� C ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� endobj ,K�䁭Q0_M? $4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ? _�� �%�G�'��G��_��|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� 2 0 obj ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D _�� �%�G�/��I�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D

_�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� %PDF-1.4 %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������䏏� ��]�> 7��,���$�'��'H��v���0QݼYj�d�����&����k��t�=�[�F���!|U#Mŷ3=_�m4~'dk1��x���j�Ѫ�����L�m��/� )�*�&. O�������`���z�ݽW������/ͿL� �~���d#�68a�ھ��Y�`XkS[�~.�M*�A����x��Ny������� ����m7��Y��팰�NQ�G� |��ៈ>jf�[�h����N�f�{g�^��5�d��jz� 5�;`�(N��%_NY~H�'�����9��f�E�!X��U��_ ~ο�� /�е�\>�؜���0��^�G����e��Y]nV^���� +̩ft}�7[���y�M_%�{���/�G��Gă�Yx6�~.����� ���x�����?�c�E�B���$}6���`gОƲ>%x��_�]��Auv�NCF�b`�mU���� d��῅V�����kn�o���+$�#wo�F+�0�� �3�N���䞋���qU_��)�Ҥ� �����hzLJ|;e�}.�M�m����M�C����֮ �:�U�TRIZ�ᒓ�r��aEU�(�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� (�� M“�OR�-t�Sqyq�#����� ��dS��'Ԝ�4*���~��0β��_YCɽ~��t��V� ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D THE MATHEMATICIAN PRINCE (PART 2) Short Story for boys and girls written by: Edgardo Luciano Camarero. <> Note:as long as no volcano tile is drawn, the dragon remains away from the game board, and will not be moved. _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u�
��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D %PDF-1.5 %PDF-1.7 3 0 obj One night an ugly ogre captured the beautiful princess and locked her up in his tall, dark tower. _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D Princess Elia of Dorne pleading for mercy as Rhaegar’s heir was ripped from her breast and murdered before her eyes. -�G�n��y|�.

One night an ugly ogre captured the beautiful princess and locked her up in his tall, dark tower. �� � } !1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br� endobj ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D 5 0 obj _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� %���� ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� ������� �wK� �8� ��������As�.X�o�t�

��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� endobj ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� Promise the learners that they will continue the story soon, but first ask them to complete part 2 of The princess and the dragon Short story Once upon a time there was a king and queen who lived in a golden castle with their beautiful daughter. %���� endobj _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� x��Z�o��r�l��D�t�,�ͦI����7��E�E^�Cҧ�qQ�)���@��.g�;{w�[;�;r�3���mD+U#�����7���W�Y���?���W˷����_����4���������i)ڮ"��]6A��4.���Y��6��Z��~��RZ�X�ƸH�[I1����Ua��� ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� I can fly!’.

_�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� �) ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� endobj ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� They promised to give a bag of gold to the knight that rescued the princess. ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D )��:酊V[(�l#6ii ت֭���:� յ.Ho�NvqY�P­? :-) Log in or register to post comments; PrincessFlameRainbow replied on 9 January, 2016 - 17:57 Belgium Permalink. O �` � C����� ½���_��� ��_��S�/�� ������ �w���?1��J?�J�:� �{��t���� ����� �]�� �?�&��>���_s� 1� �@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D 1 0 obj ��� �.��� G��S�/�� ��@�� @�� _�~b� �����u� ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� This story is very good. <>/Metadata 287 0 R/ViewerPreferences 288 0 R>> _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ��� ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D << Click to read THE MATHEMATICIAN PRINCE (PART 1) …The prince knew that the question was really difficult, and thought it was going to take him more than 5 seconds…He made a great effort, and three thousandths of a second before the time finished, he exclaimed: – “3.838.214!!
Once upon a time there was a king and a queen who lived in a golden castle with their beautiful daughter. ��� �.��� G�+�� л�� ��M�}O�����a� ��?� ����zQ�zW���+�� л�� ��M�|/� B�� �q� �4��?�������D _�� �%�G�/��G��_�_�|/� B�� �q� �4½���_��� ������ �����)�3� �������~�½���_��� ���