two. The poor brother also brings her seven years old daughter along with him because she wanted to be part of their journey.

In a kingdom far, far away…, This Peter Rabbit Story has been adapted from the works of Beatrix Potter. By demonstrating her intelligence and outsmarting the Emperor, her father is awarded the young horse and a cash prize. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Is a PhD in Electrical Engineering Worth It? “It belongs to me!” exclaimed Dimitri, the rich brother, the minute he saw it. It's the envy of all my friends. What things do you think that she did or said that might make her have seemed clever to him? What's the softest and what is the most precious?''. Only seven years old, the little girl was often left alone, and as a result, was thoughtful and very clever for her age. Both must be alive! google_color_border = "80C0FE"; "We live on the hares he catches in the Ivan for his disrespect. After taking some milk from its mother, the foal walks over next to the stallion, a rather innocent move that sparks a great debate between the two brothers. “Take your beans home and bring me back the eggs I gave you.”. This is a vintage fairy tale, and may contain violence. When she told her father that, he made a great to-do. in the world?

The girl has outsmarted the Emperor one last time. The fattest is the soil in our fields whose crops give life to men and animals alike, the softest thing is a child’s caress and the most precious is honesty.”. just create an account. However, when it was Ivan’s turn to speak, a frown spread over the Emperor’s face. The King asks, “What are the fastest, fattest, softest, and most valuable things in the world?”. You shall be awarded the foal that your brother claimed, together with a hundred silver ducats… But… but…” and the Emperor winked at his counselors. He went to bed and slept and dreamed he saw her sitting by the King with a crown on her head. The Emperor knew perfectly well that “Whoever heard of a stallion having a foal? Here is a glass mug. Would to Heaven he had never had a daughter at all if that was what came of it. "The fastest thing in the world is my husband's bay horse," she said. and career path that can help you find the school that's right for you. The softest is the quilt I made for the bed, using my own goose's “Go to bed and sleep in peace. That was a pretty trick for the King to have played upon him. This is the wise little girl story for kids. On one sunny and warm day,…, This is one of the best short story about friendship with moral for kids. The Wise Little Girl << back to stories index Once upon a time in Russia lay a little village where nearly all the inhabitants bred horses. Too much could not be said of her wit and cleverness. You'll This is the wise little girl story for kids. Yes, that he had; and her father showed her the flax the King had sent her and gave her the message. Still his daughter was so clever he was almost sure she could hatch out the eggs. The little horse and the wise little girl love each other’s company. Tell her it is my command that she dip out the waters from the ocean bed so that I can ride over the bottom dry shod., Fairy tales collected by Alexander Afanasyev, Articles containing Russian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 September 2020, at 14:19. I wouldn’t exchange him for all the gold on earth, and that makes him the most precious thing on earth!”. But he could not bear to admit it in front of his own counselors, so he angrily demanded: “Who gave you these answers?” Ivan told the Emperor that it was his small daughter.

The wise little girl further adds, “The softest is a child’s kiss and the most valuable thing in the world is honesty!” The King is very happy with the wise little girl. He then bade his chancellor get the eggs and give them to the man. The Wise Little Girl From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Wise Little Girl (Russian: Мудрая дева) is a Russian fairy tale collected by Alexander Afanasyev in Narodnye russkie skazki. One time the King and Queen were to ride abroad together, and the Queen spent so much time in dressing herself that the King was kept waiting, and he became very angry. Dimitri was rather doubtful about the woman's answers being correct. Heaven grant that these boiled beans may yield me a good crop.”, The King was surprised that any one should be so stupid as to think boiled beans would grow and yield a crop.

Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. silver ducats and the foal, and the Emperor proclalmed: "Only in my kingdom could such a wise little girl be born! guessed, quite rightly, that if he didn't, he would be punished. Scowling, the Emperor told her. It may well be that you will tire of me, or that you may be angry with me sometime, and send me back to my father’s house to live. The rich man relies on the help of a neighbor to formulate his answer. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. . little girl appeared, draped in a fishing net, riding the hare and holdig the But what And since she had a reputation for being quick-witted, but also very astute, he decided to ask her advice, in exchange for canceling part of her debt. The man was troubled when he heard this. The onlookers began to laugh, knowing that the poor man would never to able to fulfill the Emperor’s conditions. He waited until he saw the King coming, and then he began to sow the beans, and at the same time to cry aloud, “Come sun, come rain! Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. courtroom. “Only in my kingdom could such a wise little girl be born!”. The rich brother has a big, strong stallion. The Emperor stretched out his hand to grasp it, but the bird fluttered into the air.

See the video story below, This is the king and his three daughters story. "Aha!" “I am but a poor girl,” said she, “and my ways are not your ways. Once upon…, This is one of the short funny bedtime stories for children.

On the day of the audience with the Emperor, the palace was thronged with At the end of the story, the girl takes the King to live with her and her father in the peasant’s cottage. girl held out the partridge. She was neither naked nor dressed, on foot or on horseback.

If not, you’ll have your head chopped off for your impudence!”. The onlookers began to laugh, knowing that the poor man would never to able ( Log Out /  “That is all very well,” said he, “and I will excuse her from this task. 's Regional Policy, Quiz & Worksheet - Impact of Natural Events on Habitats, Quiz & Worksheet - Features of the Nordic Green Left Alliance, Good Persuasive Writing Topics for High School, Biomedical Engineering Summer Programs for High School, Alternative Teacher Certification in New York, Tech and Engineering - Questions & Answers, Health and Medicine - Questions & Answers, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community.

Well, to be exact the newcomer was not really a horse. “Take these home to your daughter,” said the King, “and bid her hatch them out for me. imaginable degree, area of