These stories remain the intellectual property of the author(s), and may not be copied (except for personal use) or reposted without permission. For those members who have left this plane of existence. A time bomb's timing mechanism may be professionally manufactured either separately or as part of the device, or it may be improvised from an ordinary household timer such as a wind-up alarm clock, wrist watch, digital kitchen timer, or notebook computer. It is the damaging element of the bomb (along with any fragments or shrapnel the explosion might produce with its container or neighboring objects). Sensory Timers - Sensory Timers and Relaxing Timers. Silence witness to forced bank robbery; timed body bomb, This page was last edited on 16 October 2020, at 03:04. (Any entries with personal info in them will be immediately deleted. A place for hard-core religious discussion. This is a multi-purpose SIG, and is for Communications, Technical issues in general, and PC help.

No Problems :-) Dates - Countdown to important dates and birthdays around the world! Time bombs are common plot devices used in action/thriller TV series, cartoons, films and video games, where the hero often escapes the blast area or defuses the bomb at the last second. This SIG is a place for Members who wish to write or participate in fictional stories. Clocks - Try our range of clocks - talking, fun, just a choice of clocks! This room is for singles to discuss various issues such as preps, defense, meetings, etc., as they relate to single folks. The use (or attempted use) of time bombs has been for various purposes including insurance fraud, terrorism, assassination, sabotage and warfare. Here we discuss in great variety what once was, what is now, what may be to come, and the many ways we're devising to remember, endure, and understand our experiences. Yousef bombed World Trade Center in 1993. Final countdown begins. In honor of their life. NO commercial ads allowed without prior permission, and please DO NOT post personal info such as phone numbers or addresses. New posts Public Area This area is accessible to everyone. A time bomb (or a time bomb, time-bomb) is a bomb whose detonation is triggered by a … Choose one of the sounds from the selection 3. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Here we discuss in great variety what once was, what is now, what may be to come, and the many ways we're devising to remember, endure, and understand our experiences. No Stress. The explosive charge is the main component of any bomb, and makes up most of the size and weight of it. Pretty much anything goes in here, EXCEPT: threats of harm to a member, pure, unadulterated trolling, obvious pornography, or ongoing bashing of the TB2K site or staff.

This is the section for personal posts and discussions that aren't globally newsworthy or better placed in a specific SIG. Since we need to see and read what the enemy is doing, this is the place to go. Someone wants to bitch/rant at someone/something? This is a members-only room. 1. Come in here at your own risk! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Open your Timebomb Prank application 2. Threads that start degenerating on the Main Board get moved here. Here is where we will be discussing political topics leading up to general elections. Timebomb 2000. Our Exam Timers will help! Timebomb2000. They are a popular feature in fictional thriller and action films as they offer a way of imparting a dramatic sense of urgency. A place to post stories from various Jihadist websites, such as PressTV. Please, take it here! Here members can post their artistic accomplishments. Earth Changes, Solar and Celestial Events, RVing, Tenting and Alternative Living Arrangements, "Alternative Medicine" for people and pets. The timer can be programmed to count up or count down (usually the latter; as the bomb detonates when the time runs out). And perhaps in some way to ready ourselves and our children for the future. All the "propellor-heads" hang out here! Bombs did not explode, and were not the cause of any of the deaths or injuries. Things that aren't "news and prep" and don't fit in the main room (or any other room for that matter) go here including gross, horrific or sensational "news" stories that would not typically be on page 1 of your hometown newspaper. Here is where members can post PRIVATE buy/sell/swap ads. Little or no moderating. And perhaps in some way to ready ourselves and our children for the future. Pretty much anything goes in terms of topics, but please try to keep it civil. Note that this room is rated "R", as some materials may not be suitable for children. Many fictional time bombs are improvised, and usually involve a beeping sound with a large prominent countdown timer (on rare occasions, the timer will count up). A time bomb (or a time bomb, time-bomb) is a bomb whose detonation is triggered by a timer. No numbers. The name of this SIG is in tribute to Monty Python. Feel free to discuss any and all religious issues of all faiths. This is the place to get wacky, funny, crazy or just post your favorite jokes. The explosive charge is detonated by a detonator. Worst single incident loss of life during the anti-British campaign. Truck bomb used 20 ft fuse for twelve-minute delay, intended to collapse both towers. Have a ball in here everyone! [citation needed], List of notable incidents involving time bombs, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Confederate sabotage of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant’s headquarters, 1985 Narita International Airport bombing, "10 years later, the real story behind Columbine", "Incident summary for GDT ID: 199909040001", "Incident summary for GDT ID: 199909090002", "Incident summary for GDT ID: 199909130003", "Incident summary for GDT ID: 199909160002",, Articles needing additional references from November 2015, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2011, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Maxwell called his device a "clockwork torpedo"; placed on an ammunition barge, it detonated 30,000 artillery shells, Bomb set for insurance fraud purposes; detonated prematurely, 3 (bombers who died when bomb went off early), To damage port facilities being used by enemy forces, Failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler, Series of politically motivated bombings (timed and non-timed devices) and other activities, Series of politically motivated bombings (timed and non-timed devices) and other activities including jailbreaks and riots, Targeted against "Japanese imperialism" and "its colonist", Attempt to assassinate PM Margaret Thatcher, Bombing of two 747 flights with alarm clock and dynamite hidden in radio tuner. Blast missed fuel tank, killed one passenger and damaged control systems but pilot was able to land. JavaScript is disabled. Deadliest domestic terror attack in the United States. A free-for-all SIG. Exam Timers - Need a formal timer for an exam? The meeting place for the other side of TB - the community of members. Set timer 4. Politically motivated anti-abortionist; occurred during 1996 Summer Olympics.