In his absence, Kazama Chikage arrives and tries to kiss Chizuru, but is whacked by an abruptly entering Osen on the head. They stole a man's money in front of his child and Ryunosuke tries stepping in to save the day. They also decide to move to Aizu.
CV: Kohsuke Toriumi The quiet Captain of the Third Division. Saito's fate is unclear. Hakuoki (薄桜鬼 〜新選組奇譚〜, Hakuoki ~Shinsengumi Kitan~, Demon of the Fleeting Blossom: The Mysterious Tale of the Shinsengumi) is an otome video game series by Idea Factory, released for the PlayStation 2 and ported to many other platforms. ALL; SHOWS (4) MOVIES (2) GAMES (5) NEW FEATURE - Click the Filter dropdown to view VAs grouped by reprisals.

The cat is then secretly kept as a pet behind the Maekawa house.
He then suggests dividing the tasks of making lunch, distracting Hijikata, and catching the cat between the captains and Chizuru. Saito Hajime sat outside his house in the far North, watching the snowflakes gently fall from the sky while his wife played laughingly in the snow. Game Over #3: Load up Saito Chapter 2 (second bloodlust). At night, Hijikata apologises to Saito for sending him off on a long and dangerous reconnaissance mission. Refusing to let him die, Chizuru gives him some of her blood. Saito forces Hijikata to stay behind and rest while he takes the front line. Saito is sometimes accused of having no will of his own. In the anime & the games, Saito is known to be the second shortest of the captains (next to Heisuke) which contradicts his real-life counterpart, who was actually regarded as one of the tallest of the Shinsengumi.

While on the way, Kondou explains how Okita came a clan of swordsmen and was being bullied after his sister had left him in the Shieikan Dojo.

Two lecherous men try to get fresh with Chizuru and are grounded by Yamazaki and Saito respectively. Hajime Saito (斎藤 一 Saitō Hajime) is one of the main characters in the Hakuouki series.

Because of his unorthodox left-handed style, no dojo would accept him as a student, even though no one could defeat him. Swim Race As the Shinsengumi proceed to make extermination of the remaining Rasetsu their top priority, Ryunosuke leaves to make a new life for himself in the countryside while passing by Chizuru Yukimura as she travels in the opposite direction to Kyoto and the Shisengumi. Street nothing more than a lone girl looking for someone to help [her]". Kondou peacefully surrenders to the enemy, and Hijikata angrily laments his choice to leave Kondou behind. Saito is portrayed by Matsuda Ryo in HakuMyu Saito-hen through Kazama-hen; by Hashimoto Shohei in HakuMyu Toudou-hen through HakuMyu LIVE 2; and by Naya Takeru in HakuMyu Harada-hen and Hijikata-hen 2. Harada and Chizuru are on an illicit stroll around the outside of the compound when Saito returns from his rounds with the Third Division. Il a tué un Hatamoto quand il était autour de 18 et il a dû fuir Edo.