Other than that it seemed like a hell of a lot of paperwork and monotonous legwork. They eventually went through his transaction history and found out he was getting BAH for 90210 and gave a bunch of other people family sep and other pay that they werent entitled to. 2 - CID agent went to get a new ID card made and saw the face of the ID card guy on a photocopy of an O10 General ID card hanging on the wall. But if you think you can do it, go for it. While this is rare, it still does occur. 1 - A couple of my MPs tried to make a deal with the driver of an armoured car that they would "rob" him and split the cash. What I can tell you is that CID is a small group of enlisted and Warrant Agents of about 900 thats for the entire Army! We found out during the trial that the CID investigation consisted of a week long cross training ride along by a couple of undercover CID agents posing as Navy SP who took them out to lunches and dinners. With Kuldeep Dubey, Shahab Khan, Sanjay Mitra, Dinesh Phadnis. The most interesting part of their job to me were the interviews (read:interrogations). This may be a stupid question, but would you be able to give examples of the types of cases you are referring to when somebody gets in big trouble? Concerning Albert Pike's three World Wars...Why did he need to have a war between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East? You will work long hours, you will start at the bottom and be someone's do this or do that guy (Mostly the stuff they don't want to do). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.

Shortly after transferring to Divarty, he got relieved for having multiple SHARP complaints filed against him. Civilian criminal investigators in CID do not investigate general crimes, but are specialists in areas such as investigating computer system intrusions, polygraphy, operations, sexual assault, investigative … The guys were eventually arrested under the guise of a piss test, walked into the room one by one and arrested. For instance, do MPs?
The juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Me fresh outa OSUT, day 4 at my unit, headed into a 4 day weekend: “Have a good weekend 1SG!”, 1SG: “Yeah you too [insert last name here] you CID fuck.”. There is a packet a few inches thick we have to complete just to do a hand to hand buy.

I started watching NCIS because it seemed a little like that. *but like any job there is a lot of politics involved. You will work long hours, you will start at the bottom and be someone's do this or do that guy (Mostly the stuff they don't want to do). However, this is very rare.

Finding a CID is about as difficult as finding a CW5......I've heard legends about a private that saw both in the same place...needless to say, that private was never the same. He wrote himself a note and sent someone else in to get a new ID card made up and that second undercover agent documented the fake government ID that the SPC made of himself as an O10 General. Sometimes they will pose as ordinary soldiers and be "assigned" to a unit where an investigation has led them too.

I think I stumbled onto a book by Nelson DeMille once that had a hero who was CID which they made a pretty crappy movie out of and then there was an old 80s movie with Willem Dafoe. I started in computers when they first came to the Army and took that knowledge and got out. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. He agreed to the robbery and promptly turned around and called the FBI who caled CID. He eventually got 6 months confinement and now sells cell phones in NY. CID is also proactive in investigating fraud against the Government by contractors but for the most part they are the investigative branch of crimes that are above a certain dollar amount or involve serious bodily injury, traffic fatalities, homicide, manslaughter and the list goes on.

Are there any world leaders who don't take orders from Chabad Lubavitch? Want some drugs I bought on the dark web? UN  ARMY or NATO? Why does Biden hate the military and want the US to get invaded by China? Cases never stop. I love doing subject interviews and the guys saying “I know who your undercover guy in my unit is”. While assigned to III Corps JAG office, I prepped a CID agent from a different post for 2 weeks to teach him how to be a gunner on an M-1 tank because I was JAG and before I reclassed I was a gunner on an M-1 tank. But somehow you have to do the Army stuff too (PT test, Weapons Qual etc..) but you won't be doing much organized things like PT if you have a busy case load. So I was an MP back in the day then CID.

We had a senior SPC who always showed up on time, respectfully conducted customs and courtesies, worked hard, and never had appointments... we were on to him. The psychology behind what they do is neat. CID Civilian Special Agents (1811) Requirements. So your mileage will vary, but if you want to do felony case work and don't mind not hanging out with the rest of the Army you might like it. While most people got kicked out of the Army for buying drugs I got awards. This makes me curious, doesn't the program take you to CID training before they hand out assignments? I got my ass beat a few times because of my work, but beat it back a little too, so it evens out I guess. Any kind of intel MOS like Counterintelligence? There were a couple strong contenders accused of being such.

Another thing to remember, CID will almost kill whatever social contact you may have, outside of the people in your office. Funny dude, just couldn't handle having females in a work environment with him. There is a hierarchy of seriousness of crimes and dollar amounts and actually MPI or Military Police Investigations takes care of the brunt of "further investigation" past an MP response and report but CID stays fairly busy as well but spy crap and undercover work, very rare and non existent to the point it is not in anyones job description. Someone told me they are basically detectives. Three of the four guys directly involved got demotion to E1, forfeiture of pay and a couple of years confinement. What is the probability for another world war in the next 5 years? 2 - CID agent went to get a new ID card made and saw the face of the ID card guy on a photocopy of an O10 General ID card hanging on the wall. Still have questions? A few other people were charged but not convicted because they knew about the plan but their defense was that they didnt think anyone was serious about it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I've always been fascinated with this job/subject matter. You will not have the respect of the rest of the Army, people will hate you for your job, and you will wonder why you even signed up for it. I'm not familiar with opsec standards for CID but I wanted to ask anyways.

The closest you will ever get is when CID "turns" a person who has been caught with illicit drugs to catch the folks he or she has been doing or dealing drugs with. They came in knowing 90% of everything because people are stupid and talk too much, then established reasons to conduct individual questioning, collect new evidence, sieze personal property that was related to the investigation, and start branch investigations. With dread. But really not a whole lot that delved into it. Was it worth it? If not, what kind of MOS would send you on undercover things besides maybe some type of Special Forces? There was also an inspection from the mythical "higher" that looked at their paperwork, logbooks, and cross-referenced everything against cell phone records. I'm considering it and was wondering if there was anyone from CID with some insight as to what to expect. Do they only investigate crimes that have already happened or do they ever go undercover? A lot of these stories come out of the time when CID did deep cover drug ops primarily in Germany. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. But, beating it in a conventional or nuclear war isn't possible for your people for some reason. But, you will make some of the closest friends in the world, you will do serious crime investigations (Drugs, Financial, Sexual, Military, Computer) and learn a lot.
He wrote himself a note and sent someone else in to get a new ID card made up and that second undercover agent documented the fake government ID that the SPC made of himself as an O10 General. And no one in the Army likes anyone else coming into their house and tell them they are doing wrong. But does anyone have any actual stories of this happening? CID, OSI and NCIS have done this in the past and do it currently. Interesting. You should tell them about the protection mission too. The Army as a whole is so risk adverse it just wouldn’t happen today. The fourth guy who was the ringleader got something like 20 years. Sometimes they will pose as ordinary soldiers and be "assigned" to a unit where an investigation has led them too. Oh and the best part is every new MP commander or BN commander that rotates in, thinks its the real Army and tries to do things like ruck marches..... Last one that tried that was given profile slips from over 75% of the people that did show up. With a weird background and less or more rank than you would expect from their age/experience. If you have a bachelors degree is that sufficient enough for you to apply to officers shool n the us air force. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. "Seek diligently to discover the truth, deterred neither by fear nor prejudice" As the U.S. Army's primary criminal investigative organization and the Department of Defense's premier investigative organization, the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, commonly known as CID, is responsible for conducting felony-level criminal investigations in which the Army is, or may be, a party of interest. But that was me. John is closer than ArchAngel. Oh and the best part is every new MP commander or BN commander that rotates in, thinks its the real Army and tries to do things like ruck marches..... Last one that tried that was given profile slips from over 75% of the people that did show up. Maybe, maybe not. And in our particular unit it wouldn't have been much of a surprise because there were a sudden influx of soldiers after a bunch of equipment ended up being stolen. Lol it's a serious question. I had a 1sg that used to fuck with an older PFC type just like this. Your experience is still pretty accurate based on the couple of years I had to deal with CID for courts-martial/investigations.