Once you click your selected plan a window will open taking you to Admiral, our ad-free partner. Former President Barack Obama made his 2020 campaign trail debut less than two weeks out from Election Day, stumping for his two-term vice president, Joe Biden, in Philadelphia with a speech … There was a significant gender divide, though. Tonight, Joe Biden will accept the Democrat nomination from his party. The Lincoln Project summed up the sentiment nicely in its new video in support of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s running mate: “Kamala. Join Vanity Fair to receive full access to VF.com and the complete online archive now. WATCH LIVE: Biden-Trump Final Presidential Debate, WATCH LIVE: Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Speak At First Joint Campaign Event, Kamala Harris Holds Town Hall With African American Leaders On COVID-19, Sen. Kamala Harris' Hammered Trump And Pence In Her First Speech As Joe Biden's Running Mate, With Biden/Harris Ticket Set, It’s Game On For Democrats And Never Trumpers, The First Biden-Harris Ad Is A Barnburner, Trump's 60 Minutes Interview Reveals Him To Be A Whiny Brat, Chris Wallace Blocks Biden Smear: ‘We Would Have Seen The Fruits Of That Investigation By Now’, Miami Cop Wears 'Trump 2020' To Polling Station, Panic At Fox: Trump TV Tries An Intervention, Trump On 60 Minutes Is A Whiny Little B**ch, Don Jr. “As late as Tuesday afternoon, NBC executives were waiting for that proof, but the network determined late Tuesday that it would be comfortable moving forward, according to two people familiar with the planning,” the Times reported. TRUMP CAMPAIGN RELEASING HUNTER BIDEN AD AS JOE BIDEN ACCEPTS NOMINATION. We work 7 days a week, 16 hours a day for our labor of love, but with rising hosting and associated costs, we need your help! © 2020 The Philadelphia Inquirer, LLC Terms of Use/Privacy Policy. Both men deny the allegations. Joe Biden gave a speech at the Iowa State Fair, a mandatory campaign stop for Presidential candidates of both political parties. This is part of our continuing coverage of the 2020 elections. Could you donate $20 for 2020? Please refer to our Terms of Service (revised 3/17/2016) for information on our posting policy. Watch Joe Biden at the 2020 Democratic convention. Both campaigns have been reaching out to Black men in the homestretch of the campaign. To become an ad-free subscriber please select one of the following two options. Biden spent much of his time giving a blistering critique of Donald Trump and spoke of the desperate need for leadership out of the White House, promising that he is the one person who can deliver that leadership. Watch live and follow here for the latest. While only 1% of Black women in Pennsylvania backed Trump in 2016, according to exit polls, 14% of Black men supported him. Let’s go.”. Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, whose work history while his father served in public office has come under heavy scrutiny, is scheduled to speak on the final night of the Democratic Convention after largely avoiding public events during the campaign. Promises 'Heckler' Of Moderator At Debate, Trump's Final Sales Pitch: My Inauguration Was Biggest Ever, Joe Biden Talks To 60 Minutes About The Supreme Court. The freshest-and most essential-updates from Washington, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley. Shortly after, Team Trump and NBC were reportedly in talks about a similar forum moderated by the Today show’s Savannah Guthrie, an event that the network said would occur only if the Trump campaign provided outside proof that the president’s medical condition would not put any participants at risk. We will supply more details as we get closer to the change. Biden joined the board of Ukrainian national gas company Burisma Holdings in 2014, despite having no experience in natural gas and not speaking Ukrainian. It will also be livestreamed on the Biden campaign’s website. The two are scheduled to appear together Wednesday in Wilmington, Del., where Biden’s campaign says they will deliver remarks on “working together to restore the soul of the nation and fight for working families to move the country forward.” They will also attend a “virtual grassroots” fundraiser in the evening, the campaign said. Obama will speak to the importance of early voting and will specifically address Black voters, especially Black men, the campaign said. Please note our login process has changed. Joe Biden has acknowledged on camera that in spring 2016, when he was vice president and spearheading the Obama administration's Ukraine policy, he successfully pressured Ukraine to fire top prosecutor Viktor Shokin. We figure Donnie was triggered by Barack Obama's speech yesterday. Interested in how Pennsylvania is shaping the 2020 election? Last week, ABC announced it would hold a town hall with Biden in Philadelphia on October 15, the original date of the second presidential debate, which had since been canceled. Ad Choices. Sign up to receive our newsletter every Wednesday. or redistributed. All market data delayed 20 minutes. Many people are shocked that he made it out of his basement to pre-record this speech – because we all know there’s no way they’d allow him to make this speech “live.” His personal life has also been a distraction for the Biden campaign, which has seen headlines over his reported history with drugs and a child support case resulting from an affair.