Almost all of ancient civilizations (even those that were isolated from each other) in one way or another depict large, flying two or four legged reptiles that breathe fire. You can sign in to vote the answer. If we look in the fossil record, there is no trace of any dragon or dragon-like creature that lived from 150,000 years ago to the present. After all, Leviathan — the massive monster described in detail in the Book of Job, chapter 41 — seems to describe a dragon in detail: So you can go with Science of today or go The creationists path and go with the Bible. Other kings and emperors, such as those from Egypt and those from Central and South America, had invented legends about them being either demi-gods or gods themselves, all in an attempt to justify their privileged positions of power. There was no song bird, parrot, hawk, rodents, primates, ungulates, monkeys, apes, humans cats or dogs 65 million years ago. SCP-1762-2 is the collective term applied to the beings that emerge from SCP-1762-1. Upon removal of Document 1762-18, salt water began to leak from SCP-1762-1 and the burn marks that covered the container began to disappear; three minutes later, SCP-1762-1 had been restored to its original state. The Giants were foolish. It is spray-painted silver on the interior and exterior, and the words "HERE BE DRAGONS" are handwritten in black permanent marker on the lid of the container.
Does that mean that there were bird-dragons AND reptile-dragons? We have had to remain in Fantasy for quite some time. Our haven, Your beautiful creation, is gone.

Monica. It walked upright on two legs and fits the description of a dinosaur better than any other animal. They immediately returned to SCP-1762-1 after depositing it on the floor. There are no other creatures which come close. Addendum 1762-01: On ██/██/20██, SCP-1762-1 began to undergo a series of events that lasted 11 months and 28 days; these events, as well as prior incidents that led up to the beginning of the scenario, have now been classified under the title "The Jabberwocky Event". Lv 6. The Centaurs are dead. In Fantasy, we are much bigger. It is simply not possible for a living thing to breathe fire. What year did dragons go extinct? The Asian species of long serpentine dragons can still be found in remote regions of the Himalayas. It collapsed onto the floor one minute later, and did not move again. We once filled each other's heads with dreams and goals. In fact, the heat generated by the giant meteor impact that happened 65 million years ago and the subsequent world wide forest fires wiped out the dinosaurs, all land animals that are too big to hide underground, all enantiornithine birds (the dominant land birds of the age of dinosaurs) and all pterosaurs (flying reptiles). Legend also has it that the Chinese Emperors had dragons to pull their royal coaches, probably Stegosaurus. When did dragons go extinct? The Peace has been upheld. Opening the lid of SCP-1762-1 when it is not in the process of a release reveals it to be empty. In fact it's pretty much impossible, because fire needs oxygen and something to burn off of - inside a body there isn't enough usable oxygen and the animal would either die from lack of oxygen or, well, a fire inside its body. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. They died out after GUIs became popular and used up all the dragon drops. Although instances of SCP-1762-2 have been deemed harmless, they should not be allowed to exit their containment unit. They never existed. One hour later SCP-1762-1 began to shake and emit smoke for fifteen minutes, after which it began to sag and collapse. Heat kills. save hide report. Trump and Biden clash on lockdowns in final debate, Moderator confronts Trump on previous racial remarks, Embattled Felicity Huffman wants her passport back, Ex-49ers star gets 15 years to life in rape conviction, Questions swirl after pope's bombshell endorsement, As cold weather nears, millions could have power shut off, No black sheep here: Pistachio is a green (yes, green) puppy, Bowden: I wanted to live so I could vote for Trump, Documents in Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein case unsealed, COVID-19 superspreader events have experts worried, Snowden granted permanent residency in Russia, The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles (one of the oldest books of British History) records many encounters that people had with creatures described as dinosaurs.

A widespread concept in folklore points more toward a single origin of the tale than the truth of the concept. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. During this time, it continued to emit fire as the amount of paper discharged from it steadily decreased; matter resembling muscle and tissue was continuously expelled from SCP-1762-1 at increasing frequency. There is no evidence of this because it was a two headed dragon and he ate himself. They all evolved from the shrew-like mammals that survived. After the Doom of Valyria (likely due to volcanic activity), the dragons went extinct in Essos. When did dragons first go extinct? There is solid evidence for dinosaurs because we have their fossils, but no factual evidence of a fire-breathing dragon. In at least one instance, it is likely that a crocodile was mistaken for a dragon in the story of St George. It was written in ink on a papyrus scroll, and also depicted a scene of a painted, mountainous landscape filled with large trees and waterfalls. This may be a hollow hope, but We will cherish this thought. I am writing a thesis on it, and trying to gather as much information as possible, using sources from science, history and folklore. Fantasy is still the same. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. **Then welcome to r/shittyaskhistory! We are sad. You have absolutely no physical evidence whatsoever to support the existence of dragons. Call me silly, then. 98% Upvoted. A single winged dragon can be seen in the background; it appears to be flying away. When did dragons go extinct?
In fact, the Chinese emperors call themselves dragons. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. During the periods when SCP-1762-1 releases SCP-1762-2, video logs are to be recorded for future research. The message is written in black ink in the bottom right hand corner. What happened to all the dragons and when!? Prince. We, the Serpents and the Hybrids are furiously trying to hold Them back, but the Giants and Elves wish to strike and make an Entrance. Probably the greatest number of dragon legends comes from China, celebrated in the Year of the Dragon. What kind of spider looks like a little crab?