Although picture has sufficient comedy situations and dialog between its male stars to get over with general audiences in regular runs, it lacks the compactness and spontaneity of its predecessor...The story framework is pretty flimsy foundation for hanging the series of comedy and thrill situations concocted for the pair. They jokingly bang on the drums only to summon a local tribe of natives.
Donna gave up the rich boyfriend because she's in love with Chuck. Paramount executives owned the rights to a story by Sy Bartlett titled "Find Colonel Fawcett" about two men trekking through the jungles of Madagascar.

They bid 150 in local coin on her to rescue her.
The natives, thinking they are gods, adorn them with jewels and give them food. Donna reveals to Julia about the seven thousand Chuck and 'Fearless' have and how she has convinced them to take her and Julia on a safari across the country, not telling them it's to see Donna's wealthy boyfriend. Fearless reluctantly lets Chuck go to get the tickets. The boys play circus performers, with the Hope character, Fearless Frazier, being shot from a cannon. They angrily run into the jungle to confront her. It seems like a good deal, until they find out Kimble is an eccentric who would sign over anything and the deed is worthless. The festive mood turns sour when the police show up, but Kimble bails them out. At a fancy restaurant, they're sent champagne by a wealthy man, diamond baron Charles Kimble (Eric Blore). Chuck and 'Fearless' manage to escape and jump onto a boat bound for Africa. Chuck refuses to believe Fearless, who is practically skipping, but then Julia arrives and tells them both about the rich boyfriend. While she is swimming in the nude, a pair of leopards appear and tear her clothes while she hides in the reeds. Bosley Crowther of The New York Times loved it.

His friend Hubert "Fearless" Frazier (Bob Hope) poses as a human cannonball, but he quickly substitutes a dummy at the last minute and hides in a secret compartment. The film was so successful that further "Road to..." pictures were assured. 8 in the list of top-grossing movies for 1941 in the USA. Chuck and Fearless think it is great until the natives decide to test them by throwing Fearless into a cage with a giant gorilla. Donna reveals to Julia about the seven thousand Chuck and 'Fearless' have and how she has convinced them to take her and Julia on a safari across the country, not telling them it's to see Donna's wealthy boyfriend. Bing Crosby recorded a number of the songs for Decca Records. Comedy episodes generally lack sparkle and tempo of ‘Singapore’, and musical numbers are also below par for a Crosby picture. Farce of this sort very seldom comes off with complete effect, but this time it does, and we promise that there’s fun on the “Road to Zanzibar.” This time, as Mr. Hope puts it in one of his pungent phrases, they’re cooking with gas. Thinking its him, 'Fearless' agrees to tell Chuck. The setting and action in Road to Zanzibar, particularly in the second half of the film, keeps the 2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio track quite busy, and despite the presence of plenty of music and sound effects, the dialogue remains appropriately prioritized in the mix and sounds sufficiently crisp. The flaming dummy sets the big top on fire and the two of them flee. They bid 150 in local coin on her to rescue her.

They return to performing with Fearless doing more and more dangerous acts, and usually getting injured. Later that evening, Fearless comes back with a fistful of money, claiming to have 'sold' the diamond mine to some guy at a bar for seven thousand. 'Fearless' reluctantly lets Chuck go to get the tickets. As their journey continues, with the help of an announcer and a montage, Chuck and 'Fearless' both vie for Donna's attention. The natives, thinking they are gods, adorn them with jewels and give them food.

While trying to find their way back, Chuck and 'Fearless' stumble upon skeleton-laden caves. Chuck and 'Fearless' start to sing "It's Always You" and burst into tears, until Donna sings to them and then they both turn on her. Their subsequent acts show 'Fearless' doing more dangerous acts, usually getting injured. During their attempt at a eulogy, they admit that despite the fact that she lied to them, they both loved her. Upon seeing her torn clothes, Chuck and 'Fearless' assume she's dead. Furious at Chuck losing all their money, Fearless ends their partnership.

Road to Zanzibar is a 1941 Paramount Pictures semi-musical comedy film starring Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dorothy Lamour, and marked the second of seven picture in the popular "Road to …" series made by the trio.It takes place in the Sultanate of Zanzibar.

When 'Fearless' asks what they are going to do for money, Chuck springs another 'great idea' and the film ends with the four of them again doing a carnival act, this time sawing a woman (Julia) in half. Chuck refuses to believe 'Fearless', who is practically skipping, but then Julia comes in and tell them both about the rich boyfriend. Chuck and Fearless start to sing "It's Always You" and burst into tears, until Donna sings to them and then they both turn on her. They jokingly bang on the drums, only to summon a local tribe of natives.

Road to Zanzibar is a 1941 feature film from Paramount Pictures starring Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, and Dorothy Lamour.This second of seven pictures in the "Road to …" series takes place in the Sultanate of Zanzibar. While trying to find their way back, Chuck and 'Fearless' stumble upon skeleton-laden caves. While she is swimming in the nude, a pair of leopards appear and tear her clothes while she hides in the reeds. Stranded in Africa, they are propositioned by Julia Quimby (Una Merkel) to help rescue her friend, Donna LaTour (Dorothy Lamour), from being sold at a slave auction. It has its fun moments, like Merkel and a funny dance sequence involving drums, but the script must have been about ten pages for all the narrative that takes place. During a moonlit canoe ride, Chuck proclaims his feelings singing "It's Always You" and Donna realizes she's starting to fall for him too. While she is swimming in the nude, a pair of leopards appear and tear her clothes while she hides in the reeds. During their attempt at a eulogy, they admit that despite the fact she lied to them, they both loved her. This second of seven pictures in the "Road to …" series takes place in the Sultanate of Zanzibar. The film starts with con-artist Chuck Reardon (Bing Crosby) singing "You Lucky People, You" as a side-show caller at a circus advertising an act featuring his friend Hubert "Fearless" Frazier (Bob Hope). When 'Fearless' asks what they are going to do for money, Chuck springs another 'great idea' and the film ends with the four of them again doing a carnival act, this time sawing a woman (Julia) in half. "Fearless" poses as a human cannonball, but he quickly substitutes a dummy at the last minute and hides in a secret compartment. Chuck and 'Fearless' manage to escape and jump onto a boat bound for Africa. Donna tells Julia about the seven thousand Chuck and Fearless have and how she has convinced them to take her and Julia on a safari across the country, not telling them it's to see Donna's wealthy boyfriend. African safari, now that Bing Crosby and Bob Hope have traversed the course! Julia tells Donna it would be foolish to give up her wealthy boyfriend for a side show crooner. The festive mood turns sour when the police show up, but Kimble bails them out.