and deadlifted 749. You simply don’t want to accept the truth. That’s 168kg (370lb) in the snatch and 209kg (461lb) in the clean & jerk. Ismo Lappi is 165 lbs. He also won four world championships in the 94kg weight class and one world championship (his most recent in 2014) at 105kg. His bodyweight is listed @255 lbs. I guess you missed Kendrick Farris, you know the vegan who went to the Olympics. An Iranian-born German strongman who looks an awful lot like a vegan Wolverine, Patrik Baboumian, is very strong and – as you can see in the video of him deadlifting 300kg for reps – very proudly vegan. The views expressed on this site may come from individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of BarBend or any other organization. The mighty Kazakh has won two Olympic gold medals in the 94kg weight class, snatching 180kg (396.8lb) in 2008 and 185kg (407.8lb) in 2012. I waste too much energy in digesting meat and that’s why I get my proteins from other products.” Though he hasn’t discussed dairy and eggs, it’s possible that he continues to consume these animal products. “He’s my second child, and for me it was a time of reflection—on the things I want to teach him, and the example I want to set for him,” he told Men’s Fitness. A photo posted by Илья Ильин (@ilyailyin_official) on Jun 15, 2016 at 11:54pm PDT. “I just came across a video from The Vegan Atheist on YouTube and he was criticizing another YouTuber’s defense for eating meat, and I watched a bunch of his videos (…) and I came to realize there’s just no good argument against veganism. She also holds the all-time equipped national bench press record with 120kg (254lb), and has previously pulled a 185kg (407lb) deadlift. When most of the world’s strongest men are consuming copious amounts of meat and eggs, Baboumian could not be more different. William, I think the most delusional is you. He gave up all forms of meat after competing at the London Olympics, telling Yahoo! difference. I just felt like I needed to change my diet. “Then at the same time, you go to a restaurant and eat a chicken or something. Join the BarBend Newsletter for workouts, diets, breaking news and more. It doesn’t make any sense.”, A photo posted by YAHcob‏ (@kendrickjfarris) on Jun 1, 2016 at 5:49pm PDT. The most delusional populous in the country, not taking religion into account, have got to be vegans. His personal bests include a 162.5kg (358.25lb) log lift, which was then a world record in the -105kg division, and an overhead keg lift of 150kg (330lb), which remains a world record. Luke Davies is 231 lbs and lifts 881. In 2015, he broke his own world record in the yoke walk with a ten-meter, 560kg (1,234.59lb) walk in Kitzcher, Germany. You ask vegans to be the world’s best when vegans are only 1% of population right now. It is not easy for me to digest meat. Same goes for the others in their sports. BarBend is an independent website. But then you look at the records for these guys. The trouble with you vegans is since most of you are too weak from lack of quality protein to be involved in sports that require strength, you have zero perception. “It was like a light bulb went off.”. Impressive by normal human standards, yes. Both of these lifts would be American records in the -105kg class, though we should point out that Kennedy has not made these lifts in competition. World records, results, training, nutrition, breaking news, and more. Sports, “I just have much better feeling in my body. The Irish weightlifter is known for his 185-kilogram snatch and 220-kilogram clean & jerk at about 100kg bodyweight, lifts that he made both before and after he switched to veganism in 2016. The 30-year-old Icelandic powerlifter is a force to be reckoned with in the country’s … Meat consumption is rising faster than ever, but plenty of strength athletes have shattered records without touching the stuff. A video posted by Hulda B. Waage (@huldabwaage), A photo posted by Илья Ильин (@ilyailyin_official), A video posted by Patrik Baboumian (@patrikbaboumian), A photo posted by YAHcob‏ (@kendrickjfarris), Rachel Leblanc-Bazinet, Other International Weightlifters Announce Public Call for IWF Reform, Jeffrey Adler Is Canada’s Great CrossFit Games Hope, 2020 CrossFit Games Finals: No Time Caps and New ‘Full Effort’ Rule, Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay Receives Special Invite to Compete in 2020 Mr. Olympia. with a deadlift of 792 lbs. Both Patrick and Kendrick have competed with guys from their categories and have won. Featured image via @kendrickjfarris and @patrikbaboumian on Instagram. In an interview with BarBend, Waage explained that she went vegan primarily for environmental reasons, though she also chose it for “personal health reasons.” Her macros are roughly 20 to 30 percent protein, 15 to 20 percent fat, and 55 to 60 percent carbs. This past November, Waage recorded a 205kg (452lb) equipped squat, earning her the -84kg Women’s Kraft IPF Iceland record. It was for moral and environmental reasons. The 30-year-old Icelandic powerlifter is a force to be reckoned with in the country’s strength scene. Put them against the real top guys in their fields and they lose. It wasn’t for performance or anything.”. “One day, I just thought, if you see a bird with a broken leg, you really have the urge to do something about it and help the bird,” he has said. He has since applied to business school in order to pursue an MBA and has likely retired from Olympic weightlifting. “It had nothing to do with weightlifting or performance,” he said. Less than 100 lb. and deadlifts 705. In an interview with BarBend, we asked why he cut out animal products from his diet. [Want more plant-based food? Especially in sports. ], A video posted by Patrik Baboumian (@patrikbaboumian) on Dec 9, 2016 at 12:49pm PST. That’s delusional. Check out our guide to the best vegan protein supplements! Hulda B. Waage. There’s a reason Patrick isn’t in WSM, he’d get buried. 2020 Mr. Olympia Lineup Officially Set: Who Is Competing In Las Vegas? Along the way, he set clean & jerk and total records in both weight classes. Darryn Wright is 200 lbs. When smaller guys are either out-lifting you or lifting comparable to you, in that world, you are not top level. Baboumian is a vegan … The lone male to compete for Team USA’s Olympic weightlifting team in Rio, Farris broke the 94kg U.S. record by lifting 377kg (831.1lb) during the trials in March. The 8 Best Whey Protein Powders for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss, Best Barbells: For Training, Weightlifting, Powerlifting, and More, The 11 Best Creatine Supplements On the Market. BarBend is the Official Media Partner of USA Weightlifting. Shane Jerman is 175lbs. Farris decided to stop eating animal products after the birth of his son in 2014. For example this guy Patrick Baboumian who is trumpeted as this amazing vegan strongman. and deadlifts 771. Check out our list below to learn some of the best known vegan athletes — and what made them give up meat in the first place. Of course, we must disclose that Ilya Ilyin has been ordered to return his two gold medals following positive doping retests. Join the BarBend Newsletter for everything you need to get stronger.